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To make something move, you can apply a force to it. This force can be generated through physical contact, such as pushing or pulling an object, or through other means like gravity or magnetism. The application of force causes the object to accelerate and move in the direction of the force applied.

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Q: Can make something move
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What has the ability to make something move or change?

A force has the ability to make something move or change. Force is a push or pull on an object causing it to accelerate, decelerate, stop, or change direction.

To make something move what kind of force do you need?

To make something move, you typically need a force that overcomes the object's inertia. This force can be applied through mechanisms like pushing, pulling, or applying pressure.

How can a magnet make something move?

A magnet can make something move by exerting a force on certain materials like iron, nickel, and cobalt. When these materials are attracted to the magnet, they can move towards or away from it depending on the orientation of the magnet. This movement is caused by the magnetic field surrounding the magnet interacting with the magnetic properties of the material.

How can you make something move up and down or rotate with a motor?

To make something move up and down with a motor, you can use a linear actuator that converts rotary motion into linear motion. To make something rotate using a motor, you can attach the motor to a shaft or gear mechanism that will rotate the object. By controlling the speed and direction of the motor, you can achieve the desired movement.

How does solar energy make an object move?

Solar energy can be harnessed to produce electricity that can power motors or engines, which in turn can make an object move. This can be achieved by using solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity, which can then be used to run the equipment needed to move an object.