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GravityGravity can do all three to an object, the best example of this would be tossing a ball straight up in the air: 1) It initially slows down to a halt at the highest point of ascent, 2) Then speeds up as it falls 3) And of course it changes directions at the top. FrictionFriction, however, is a different matter. Friction that deals with motion (dynamic friction) always acts in the opposite direction of motion; therefore, it cannot accelerate an object in the same direction as it is moving. Due to this, friction can only slow down an object. Can it reverse the direction of motion? Since it cannot speed up an object, it cannot make an object move after friction has slowed it down to a standstill like gravity can from the example above.

Thus, in conclusion: gravity can slow down, speed up an object and change its direction; however, friction can only slow down an object.

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3mo ago

Gravity can speed up an object as it falls and slow it down as it rises, but it does not change its direction. Friction can both slow down and speed up an object depending on the surfaces in contact, but it can also change the direction of an object by providing a force opposing its motion.

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Q: Can gravity and friction speed up and slow down and change the direction of an object?
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What force causes an object to change direction?

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What force can make an objects motion change?

A force can make an object's motion change. Forces such as gravity, friction, and pushing or pulling on an object can accelerate, decelerate, or change the direction of its motion.

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To change the direction that an object is moving, you will need to apply a force in the opposite direction to the object's current motion. This force can be applied by pushing or pulling the object or by using external forces such as friction or gravity to alter its trajectory. By adjusting the magnitude and direction of the force, you can change the object's movement.

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A force such as friction, gravity, or a push/pull from another object can change the motion of a moving object by slowing it down, speeding it up, or changing its direction.

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A object in motion must undergo a change in velocity, meaning its speed, direction, or both. This change is known as acceleration, which can occur due to forces acting on the object such as gravity or friction.

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A force can change the motion of an object. Forces like gravity, friction, and a push or pull can cause an object to speed up, slow down, or change direction.

What are forces that cause a change in an object velocity?

Forces such as gravity, friction, air resistance, and propulsion can cause a change in an object's velocity. Gravity can accelerate an object downward, while friction and air resistance can slow it down. Propulsion, like from a rocket engine, can accelerate an object in the direction of the thrust.

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Experiencing a change in velocity over time, either in speed or direction. This change can be caused by forces such as gravity, friction, or propulsion.

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An object's velocity is determined by its speed and direction of motion. It is a vector quantity that combines the magnitude of the speed and the direction of travel. Velocity can change due to forces acting upon the object, such as gravity, friction, or propulsion.

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Yes Friction=Reaction force x COF Reaction force = mass x gravity So Friction=mass x gravity x COF ^ Change the mass, change the friction

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