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Energy cannot be created, not even in the Sun. If saying that the Sun is a "source" of energy gives you this impression... well, it doesn't actually create the energy. It only converts energy - from the potential energy (nuclear energy) available in the hydrogen-1, which is the fuel the Sun uses. Once it uses its fuel up, there will be no more.

If anybody says the Sun is a "source" of energy, that simply means we get the energy from the Sun. This sort of statement doesn't analyze in more detail where the energy comes from.

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1mo ago

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another according to the Law of Conservation of Energy. The sun is considered the source of energy because it produces energy through nuclear fusion reactions in its core, which radiates as sunlight and heat towards Earth, providing the energy needed for life on our planet.

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Q: Can energy be created if no then why is sun is considered as the source of energy?
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