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No, an object cannot be a good absorber and a good reflector at the same time. When an object absorbs light well, it does not reflect much of it, and vice versa. The ability of an object to absorb or reflect light depends on its properties and the material it is made of.

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Q: Can an object be both a good absorber and good reflector at the same time?
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Can an object be both a good absorber and good reflector at the same time why or why not?

No, an object cannot be a good absorber and a good reflector at the same time. The properties of absorption and reflection are usually inversely related in materials – a good absorber tends to be a poor reflector and vice versa. This is because the absorbed light energy is converted into heat in good absorbers, whereas reflected light energy is not absorbed.

Is a good reflector of radiation a good emitter of radiation?

Not necessarily. An object can be a good reflector of radiation but a poor emitter of radiation. Reflectivity and emissivity are independent properties of materials. Just because a material reflects radiation well does not mean that it will also emit radiation well.

Is marble a good radiator reflect-er or ab-sorer?

Marble is neither a good radiator reflector nor a good absorber. It has poor thermal conductivity and will not efficiently reflect or absorb heat. Materials with higher thermal conductivity, such as metals, are better suited for these purposes.

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good?

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good source of energy (heat,light ...)

Is a good emitter of heat also a good reflector of heat?

Not necessarily. An object can be a good emitter of heat without being a good reflector of heat. The ability to emit and reflect heat depends on different properties of the material, such as surface texture and composition.

Related questions

Can an object be both a good absorber and good reflector at the same time why or why not?

No, an object cannot be a good absorber and a good reflector at the same time. The properties of absorption and reflection are usually inversely related in materials – a good absorber tends to be a poor reflector and vice versa. This is because the absorbed light energy is converted into heat in good absorbers, whereas reflected light energy is not absorbed.

Why is a poor reflector of heat also a good absorber?

A poor reflector of heat is likely to be a good absorber because it is less effective at reflecting incoming heat energy away, leading to more of the heat being absorbed by the material. This means that the material can absorb more heat energy rather than reflecting it, making it a good absorber of heat.

Is a good reflector of radiation a good emitter of radiation?

Not necessarily. An object can be a good reflector of radiation but a poor emitter of radiation. Reflectivity and emissivity are independent properties of materials. Just because a material reflects radiation well does not mean that it will also emit radiation well.

An object is a good emitter of radiation if it is what?

An object is a good emitter of radiation if it has a high temperature. The higher the temperature of an object, the more thermal radiation it emits.

Is marble a good radiator reflect-er or ab-sorer?

Marble is neither a good radiator reflector nor a good absorber. It has poor thermal conductivity and will not efficiently reflect or absorb heat. Materials with higher thermal conductivity, such as metals, are better suited for these purposes.

Why are carbon dioxide and water vapor called selective absorbers?

Any object that can specifically absorb and emit radiation (in the form of, say, infrared radiation), is called a selective absorbers. An example is: Snow. It is a good absorber of infrared radiation but poor absorber of sunligh. Object that selectively absorb radiation at some wavelength tend to radiate radiation at that same wavelength. CO2 and water vapors are both very good absorber of infrared radiation but at the same time poor absorber of different forms of solar radiation that are visible to us.

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good?

An object that is a good radiator of electromagnetic waves is also a good source of energy (heat,light ...)

What type of radiator of energy is an object that is a good absorber of radiation?

An object that is a good absorber of radiation is classified as a good emitter of radiation. It is known as a black body radiator, which absorbs and emits radiation efficiently across a wide range of wavelengths.

Is a good emitter of heat also a good reflector of heat?

Not necessarily. An object can be a good emitter of heat without being a good reflector of heat. The ability to emit and reflect heat depends on different properties of the material, such as surface texture and composition.

Is terry cloth a good absorber?

Yes it is a good absorber. There are many reasons why it is a good absorber. One of the reasons is because it is very porous.

What does a good absorber do?

it absorbs moisture which may be caused by heat it may also be a good absorber for dirt and dust

What are good reflectors of sound with example?

the moon , frosted glass, aluminium