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It has been known to happen

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Yes, it is possible for a tornado to propel a thin piece of straw through a tree trunk. Tornadoes can generate extremely strong winds that have enough force to cause objects to be driven through other objects.

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Q: Can a tornado drive a thin piece of straw throw a tree trunk?
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Can a tornado lift up a airplane?

A tornado has the potential to lift up and throw around small aircraft, especially those that are not secured properly. However, commercial airlines are much heavier, designed to withstand turbulence, and typically remain grounded during severe weather conditions.

Can a tornado cause damage without touching the ground?

Yes, a tornado can cause damage even if it doesn't touch the ground. Strong winds associated with a tornado can pick up debris and throw it at high speeds, leading to damage to structures and objects. Additionally, tornadoes can generate intense updrafts and downdrafts that can impact buildings and trees even without the funnel cloud actually touching down.

What can a tornado lift?

A tornado can lift up heavy objects such as cars, trees, debris, and even buildings depending on the strength of the tornado. The upward force within a tornado is strong enough to lift and carry these objects through the air, often causing significant damage.

What happens to your body in a tornado?

In a tornado, strong winds and debris can cause serious injuries such as bruises, cuts, broken bones, and even death. The rapid changes in air pressure can also lead to ear pain and potential damage. Seeking shelter in a safe location is crucial to minimize these risks.

Can a missile penetrate a tornado?

No, a missile cannot penetrate a tornado. Tornadoes are powerful natural phenomena with rapidly rotating winds that can reach speeds of over 300 mph, making it extremely difficult for any man-made object to penetrate them. Additionally, a tornado's unpredictable movement and variable wind speeds would make it nearly impossible for a missile to target and successfully penetrate it.

Related questions

Why does a rabbit throw straw over its head?

It throws straw over its head to make it quiet and to feel sakure.

How far can an EF3 tornado throw a car?

An EF3 tornado could probably throw a car a few tens of yards. It could probably move a car a few hundred yards by bouncing and rolling it.

Would you rather ride a tsunami OR ride a tornado?

a tsunami for sure, a tornado is just going to throw me to the united states, riding a tsunami has better chances of living than a tornado

Can you throw up a piece of your belly?


Myy bff is eating pie and he won't give mee a piece should i throw the pie in his face?

Wait until he decides to give you the piece then do your job to throw that piece in his face.

A list of five letter words ending in w?

* threw * throw * shrew * arrow * screw * straw

When a tornado forms how far can it throw a house?

Tornado winds can throw debris up to several hundred feet depending on the strength of the tornado. In extreme cases, strong tornadoes have been known to carry debris for miles. The distance a tornado can throw a house varies greatly and depends on various factors such as the size and construction of the house, as well as the intensity of the tornado.

What is a f3 in a tornado?

F3 is a category on the Fujita scale which rates tornadoes From F0 to F5 based on the severity of the damage they do. An F3 is a strong tornado which can tear the roof and walls off most houses, uproot and even throw most trees, and throw trains.

Are you safe from a tornado in a boat?

No. Water does not stop tornadoes and a tornado could easily capsize and even lift and throw a small boat or heavily damage a large one.

What can an f3 tornado do?

An F3 tornado can cause severe damage with wind speeds ranging from 158 to 206 mph. It is capable of tearing off roofs, destroying large structures, uprooting trees, and turning over vehicles. It poses a significant threat to life and property in its path.

What is throw up graffiti?

To "throw up" is to "tag" something. It means to put up a graffiti piece.

What is throw-up graffiti?

To "throw up" is to "tag" something. It means to put up a graffiti piece.