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I'm not sure in what sense that could be called a single lever...

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4mo ago

No, a lever is a simple machine with only one fulcrum, which is the point at which the lever pivots. Having two fulcrums would disrupt the ability of the lever to amplify force or distance.

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Q: Can a lever have two fulcrums?
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The wheels are fulcrums what is the load and the lever?

In this case, the load is the weight being lifted or moved, and the lever is the handle or bar used to exert force on the load. The wheels act as fulcrums by providing a pivot point for the lever to lift the load.

Are fulcrums only found in levers?

no they can br found almost anywhere but typicly they are part of the lever

What do second and third levers both have?

the fulcrum between the effort and load B. effort applied in the same place C. two loads and fulcrums D. the fulcrum at one end of the lever

What do second and third class levers both have?

the fulcrum between the effort and load B. effort applied in the same place C. two loads and fulcrums D. the fulcrum at one end of the lever

Why does a pair of scissors have two fulcrums?

A pair of scissors only has one fulcrum, which is the pivot point where the two blades are joined together. The blades move around this fulcrum to cut objects efficiently.

What are fulcrums?

Fulcrums are pivot points that provide support and allow for the movement or balancing of objects. They are commonly used in machines like levers to amplify or redirect force. The position of the fulcrum relative to the load and effort help determine the mechanical advantage of the system.

What type of machine are scissors?

Scissors are a simple machine. A simple machine makes work easier to do. (not hard work) What type of simple machine are they? They are a lever. Levers have fulcrums or pivot points. The pivot point of the scissors are the crossing section.

What is the plural of fulcrum?

The plural of fulcrum is fulcra or fulcrums.

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What type of lever is a rowboat oars?

Yes, it is all three classes of lever depending on the point in the stroke. Your hands are the fulcrums and the oar is the beam.If you use oarlocks then it is a first class lever with the fulcrum in the center.If you use it as a paddle then it is a third class lever with the fulcrum as mentioned before in the hand opposite the load.

What are 4 levers and fulcrums?

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What levers are in the human body?

Some of the levers in the human body include those seen in the bones and muscles. For example, the bones act as rigid levers, joints serve as fulcrums, and muscles provide the effort. This lever system enables movement and functionality in various parts of the body.