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Yes, if a freezer is at a constant velocity or stationary, there are balanced forces acting on it. Typically, these forces include the gravitational force acting downward and the normal force acting upward from the surface on which the freezer rests.

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Q: Are there any balanced forces acting on the freezer if so what are they?
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Are any the forces acting on the freezer balanced?

If the freezer is stationary, the forces acting on it are likely balanced. The gravitational force pulling it downward is likely balanced by the normal force exerted by the floor, as well as any frictional forces that may oppose its motion. If the freezer is accelerating or moving, the forces may not be balanced.

Are there any balanced forces acting on the freezer?

If the freezer is stationary or moving at a constant velocity, then yes, there are balanced forces acting on it. The forces pushing the freezer forward or backward are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in a state of equilibrium.

When a ball is at restall the forces acting on it are?

Either there are none, or if there are any, then the whole group of forces is balanced.

Can balanced forces bring about any change in an object's state of motion?

No, balanced forces do not cause any change in an object's state of motion. When the forces acting on an object are balanced, the object will either remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity.

When the forces acting on an object are balanced the net force on the object is?

This is called balanced forces and no acceleration is present.

What are the forces of a stationary boat?

The forces acting on a stationary boat in still water are gravity acting downwards, buoyancy acting upwards, and drag acting to oppose any external forces like wind or current. These forces are balanced when the boat is stationary.

Any time the forces are balanced an object will remain at rest true of false?

False. An object will remain at rest if the forces acting on it are balanced, but it can still be in motion if the forces are balanced while the object is already moving.

When are all the forces acting upon an object balanced?

All forces acting upon an object are balanced when the net force on the object is zero. This occurs when the vector sum of all the forces acting on the object in any direction is zero, resulting in the object either being at rest or moving at a constant velocity.

How do balanced forces affect an object that is at rest?

Balanced forces on an object at rest result in no net force acting on the object. This means the object remains at rest and does not accelerate in any direction.

When an object changes direction are the forces acting on the object balanced or unbalanced?

When an object changes direction, the forces acting on the object are typically unbalanced. This change in direction indicates that there is a net force acting on the object, causing it to accelerate or decelerate in the new direction. Balanced forces would result in a constant velocity without any change in direction.

What is the effect of balanced force to object whose at rest?

If an object is at rest and experiencing balanced forces, it will remain at rest. Balanced forces result in zero net force acting on the object, causing no motion to occur.

What two forces are balanced when a systems is in?

When a system is in isostasy, downward gravity and upward buoyancy are balanced.