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18 years old can open a savings account. Some banks may have specific requirements or restrictions, so it's best to check with the particular financial institution you are interested in.

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Q: Any individual of sound mind who is at least?
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When sound considered as merely noise?

Sound is considered as noise when it lacks any discernible pattern or meaning, and is perceived as disruptive, annoying, or unpleasant to the listener. This may be subjective and depend on individual preferences or situational contexts. Noise can also refer to any unwanted sound that interferes with communication, relaxation, or concentration.

Who discovered light and sound?

Light and sound were not discovered by any specific individual as they have always existed in the natural world. Humans have studied and learned more about light and sound over time through scientific observations and experimentation.

What is the difference between a pleasant sound and noise?

A pleasant sound is typically pleasing to the ear, soothing, and harmonious. Noise, on the other hand, is usually unwanted, disruptive, and chaotic. The key difference lies in the subjective perception of the sound by the individual.

How many mediums can a sound wave pass through?

Sound waves can pass through different mediums such as air, water, and solids. The type of medium will affect the speed and behavior of the sound wave, but generally, sound waves can travel through any medium that has molecules to transmit the vibrations of the wave.

What is required to produce any sound?

To produce any sound, you need a source of vibration, a medium for the sound waves to travel through (such as air, water, or solids), and a receiver (such as the human ear) to detect and interpret the vibrations as sound.

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Can anyone enter a contract?

Any one that has the legal capacity may enter into a contract. That means the individual must be an adult and of sound mind. A drunk signing a contract may be able to void it.

Can 18 years of age buy 22 rifles?

at 18 you can buy any rifle or shotgun, at least in the state of florida, after a background check, and as long as you dont appear out of sound mind

Does the final version of a will have any legal weight if it was not notarized before the person died?

Yes, as long as the person was of sound mind when the will was made and it was witnessed by at least two adults, dated and signed by all parties.

What are the qualifications to vote in Missouri?

In the state of Missouri, a person is qualified to vote if they are a US citizen, at least age 18 and registered to vote. They must also be of sound mind and not have any type of mental incapacity.

Who must ratify any proposed amendment?

The states. And if they do, there is NO veto possible by any group or individual.

What are the power of attorneys rights over a parent that is of sound mind?

The Power of Attorney has no rights over a parent of sound mind. The power of attorney is given by the parent and can be withdrawn at any time. And the power of attorney automatically ends upon the grantor's death.

Will the sun be blocked by electro magnetic waves?

No. At least not in the lifetime of any individual currently extant, for sure.

What port do you place the sound card in?

A sound card is installed, in any of the white pci slots on the motherboard. Please bear in mind, that in doing this, if your board already has sound integrated you would need to alter the bios, so that any sound would come from the card, and not from the onboard sound. Hope this helps Be safe Cadishead Computers

Is your husbands will legal he signed but died before any witness could sign it?

It is a legal document if it can be proven he wrote the will and was of sound mind.

Is there any type of kinetic energy that has all types of energy?

sound, thermal,electrical,mechanical and light Hurricanes come to mind.

Who can be a shareholder of a company?

Any individual can be a shareholder of another company. A shareholder is any person or other company which owns at least one stock or share of a company.

What is the longest word without any vowels in history?

every word has at least one vowel... or a vowel sound, as in sky or my