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The angular velocity of 2 rad/s means the wheel completes 2 revolutions (2π radians) in 1 second. Therefore, in 5 seconds, the wheel will complete 10 revolutions in total.

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Q: Angular velocity of wheel is 2 rad second calculate the number of rotation of the wheel in 5 second?
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What is the best example for conservation of angular momentum?

A classic example of conservation of angular momentum is the spinning ice skater. As the skater pulls their arms closer to their body, their rate of spin increases due to the conservation of angular momentum. This demonstrates how the total angular momentum of the system remains constant unless acted upon by external torques.

How do you find the angular velocity of second hand of a watch?

The angular velocity of the second hand of a watch can be found by calculating the angle it rotates through in a given time period, typically one minute, and then converting it to radians per second. This can be done using the formula: angular velocity = (2π/60) radians/second, as the second hand completes one full rotation in 60 seconds.

Why angular speed is called angular frequency?

Angular speed and angular frequency are used interchangeably to describe the rate of change of angle with respect to time in circular motion. The term "angular frequency" is specifically used in the context of periodic motion to indicate the frequency of angular displacement or rotation. It is often measured in radians per second.

How do you find the average velocity pressure?

To find the average velocity pressure, you would need to calculate the total velocity pressure and divide it by the number of measurements taken. This would give you the average velocity pressure over the measurement period.

What is the angular speed of a 3000watt motor?

The angular speed of a motor depends on its design and specifications. To calculate the angular speed, you would need to know additional information such as the motor type (e.g., induction motor, synchronous motor), number of poles, and operating frequency. Without this information, it is not possible to provide a specific angular speed for a 3000-watt motor.

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Define constant angular velocity and explain how it is applies to a CD?

Angular velocity is the measure of angular displacement (in one or the opposite) direction over a unit period of time. In the context of CDs , one unit in which this can be measured is the number of revolutions per second. A constant angular velocity means that the CD is turning through the same angle each second.

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As the radius of rotation decreases, the number of revolutions of a rubber stopper increases. This is due to the conservation of angular momentum - with a smaller radius, the rotational speed must increase to maintain the same angular momentum.

Angular velocity of the water wheel?

number of angles moved in 10 seconds divided by 10.

What is the larger of the two mating gears?

The gear with the greater number of teeth; it will have a lower angular velocity .

Why do planets rotate around the sun in the same direction?

Planets in our solar system rotate around the sun in the same direction due to the way the solar system formed from a spinning cloud of gas and dust. This rotation direction was set as the planets coalesced from this material in a common plane of orbit, resulting in the same rotational direction.

How do you find angular velocity in radians per second?

-- Determine the number of revolutions, vibrations, reciprocations, or full oscillations in one second. -- Multiply that number by (2 pi).

What is the best example for conservation of angular momentum?

A classic example of conservation of angular momentum is the spinning ice skater. As the skater pulls their arms closer to their body, their rate of spin increases due to the conservation of angular momentum. This demonstrates how the total angular momentum of the system remains constant unless acted upon by external torques.

How do you find the angular velocity of second hand of a watch?

The angular velocity of the second hand of a watch can be found by calculating the angle it rotates through in a given time period, typically one minute, and then converting it to radians per second. This can be done using the formula: angular velocity = (2π/60) radians/second, as the second hand completes one full rotation in 60 seconds.

Why angular speed is called angular frequency?

Angular speed and angular frequency are used interchangeably to describe the rate of change of angle with respect to time in circular motion. The term "angular frequency" is specifically used in the context of periodic motion to indicate the frequency of angular displacement or rotation. It is often measured in radians per second.

How do you calculate number of rotation in Circular motion?

f=1/T where f is the frequency and T is the time for one rotation... Example.. If the time for one rotation = 2s then frequency =0.5Hz (1/2) therefore... the number of rotation in one minute = 60x0.5=30 in 1 second = 1x0.5=0.5

How do you find the average velocity pressure?

To find the average velocity pressure, you would need to calculate the total velocity pressure and divide it by the number of measurements taken. This would give you the average velocity pressure over the measurement period.

What is the best example of conservation of momentum?

In case of Russian dance, the dancer will spin her body about the vertical axis passing through her toe. If she keeps extending her hands then number of rotation and so angular velocity will be less. If she brings her hands close to her body then number of rotations would increase. Same scene could be enjoyed in case of circus with girls hanging just with a tight hold with their teeth.