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The artificial magnet made by pressing magnetic powder together under high pressure and temperature is called a sintered magnet.

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Q: An artificial magnet made by pressing magnetic powder together under high pressure and temperature is called a?
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Is there something that is magnetic on air?

Gases, and so air which is a mixture of gases (at normal temperature and pressure) are not magnetic.

What is the pressing of air against you called?

Air pressure or atmospheric pressure. Wind is also air pressing against you.

What happens to the temperature and pressure as you get closer to the center of the earth?

As you get closer to the center of the Earth, both temperature and pressure increase. The temperature increases due to the Earth's core being composed of hot, molten metal, while pressure increases due to the weight of the overlying material pressing down on the layers below.

Is pressure hot air?

Air pressure is the weight of the atmosphere pressing down on the earth. Temperature raises and lowers the pressure by changing density of said air. For example check the air in your cars tires cold, then hot-with no other change besides temperature, you will get different readings-this is normal and the reason you are supposed to adjust when cold.

Can Mercury be magnetized is it attracted to magnets?

Yes, Mercury can be magnetized. The metal is diamagnetic, meaning it can create a magnetic field in response to an external magnetic field, but it is very weakly attracted to magnets due to its low magnetic susceptibility.

Do Rocks formed during metamorphism depend on Earths Magnetic Field?

No, the rocks formed during metamorphism do not depend on Earth's magnetic field. Metamorphism is the process where existing rocks are altered by high pressure and temperature without being melted. The formation of metamorphic rocks is primarily influenced by the chemical composition of the original rock and the conditions present during metamorphism, such as pressure and temperature.

What is an example of a scientific field quantity?

A few examples of scientific field quantities are temperature, elevation, atmospheric pressure, rainfall, and magnetic fields.

Will anyone answer you what is the force that air exerts on a given area?

The force that air exerts on a given area is called air pressure. Air pressure is the result of the weight of the air above the given area pressing down on it. This pressure can vary depending on altitude, weather conditions, and temperature.

What is the weight of pressure pressing on an object called?

The weight of pressure pressing on an object is called "force." This force is exerted perpendicular to the surface of the object by the pressure applied. It is typically measured in units like newtons or pounds.

Why is there pressure in the ocean?

There is pressure in all water because of the weight of the water above it pressing down

Compare how pressure and temperature change with depth inside earth?

Pressure increases with depth inside the Earth due to the weight of the overlying layers of rock pressing down. Temperature also increases with depth due to the Earth's internal heat. The rate at which pressure and temperature change varies depending on factors like the composition of the Earth's layers and geothermal gradients.

What is the name of the air pressing down on us?

Air pressure