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Sonar is a common technique used for determining the distance of an object underwater. It works by emitting sound waves and measuring the time it takes for the waves to bounce back, which allows calculation of the distance based on the speed of sound in water.

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Q: A technique for determining the distance of an object under water is called?
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How do you find the speed of an object?

To find the speed of an object, you can calculate it by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. The formula for speed is Speed = Distance/Time.

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You can find the speed of an object from its distance-time graph by calculating the slope of the graph at a specific point. The slope represents the object's velocity at that particular moment. By determining the slope, you can find the speed of the object at that point on the graph.

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The distance around an object is called its?

It is its perimeter.

The distance an object travels per unit of time is called?

The distance an object travels per unit of time is called speed. Speed is a measure of how quickly an object moves from one place to another.

What is rate at which an object covers distance?

That is called the velocity of the object. Velocity = Distance divided by Time taken.

In determining velocity of any object in motion Why is it important to know the distance and the time the object traveled?

Knowing the distance and time the object traveled provides the necessary information to calculate the object's velocity. Velocity is defined as the rate of change of position with respect to time. By having both distance and time, one can determine how fast the object is moving and in what direction.

What is an object's total distance called?

It isn't clear what you mean by "total distance". Distance from where? And why "total"?