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The pressure at the bottom of the tank can be calculated using the formula P = ρgh, where ρ is the density of water (1000 kg/m³), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s²), and h is the height of the water column (4 meters). Plugging in these values, we get P = 1000 * 9.81 * 4 = 39240 Pa, or 39.24 kPa.

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Q: A tank with a flat bottom is filled with water to a height of 4 meters what is the pressure at any point at the bottom of tank can you ignore atmospheric pressure when calculatingyour answer?
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The pressure at the bottom of a barrel filled with liquid does NOT depend on the?

The pressure at the bottom of a barrel filled with liquid does not depend on the shape or size of the barrel. It depends only on the depth of the liquid and the density of the liquid.

Why human body does not collapse by atmospheric pressure?

The human body is well adapted to withstand the atmospheric pressure. Our internal organs and cavities are filled with fluids that apply equal pressure, counteracting the external pressure. Additionally, our body tissues and structures are strong enough to maintain their shape and integrity under normal atmospheric conditions.

How does the human body resist the atmospheric pressure?

The human body resists atmospheric pressure due to the balance of pressure inside and outside the body. Our body tissues, like skin and bones, provide structural support to prevent collapse. Additionally, air-filled spaces within the body, such as the lungs and sinuses, adjust to equalize pressure changes.

3 A tank with a flat bottom is filled with water to a height of 4 meters What is the pressure at any point at the bottom of the tank You can ignore atmospheric pressure when calculating your?

The pressure at the bottom of the tank is determined by the weight of the water above that point. To calculate the pressure, you would use the formula P = ρgh, where P is pressure, ρ is density, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the water column. Given the height is 4 meters and water density is 1000 kg/m^3, you can calculate the pressure.

Where is pressure greater and the least inside a bottle filled with water?

The pressure is greatest at the bottom of the bottle, as it is supporting the weight of the water above it. The pressure is least at the top of the bottle, where there is less water above exerting force.

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A hydrogen balloon rises due to the buoyant force that is exerted on it by the surrounding air. As it ascends, the air becomes less dense, causing the buoyant force to decrease until it eventually matches the weight of the balloon, resulting in it reaching a point of equilibrium and no longer rising.

A tank with a flat bottom is filled with water to a height of 4 meters. What is the pressure at any point at the bottom of the tank (You can ignore atmospheric pressure when calculating your answer.)?

Ignoring atmospheric pressure, overall pressure is equivalent to the specific weight of the liquid times the depth. Water has a density of 1 kg/m3 and gravity has a force of 9.81 m/s2. So specific weight = density * gravity = 9.81 kg/m2s2. When multiplied by 4 meters, the answer is 39.24 Pascal's. (1 Pascal = 1kg/ms2).

Why human body does not collapse by atmospheric pressure?

The human body is well adapted to withstand the atmospheric pressure. Our internal organs and cavities are filled with fluids that apply equal pressure, counteracting the external pressure. Additionally, our body tissues and structures are strong enough to maintain their shape and integrity under normal atmospheric conditions.

The pressure at the bottom of a barrel filled with liquid does NOT depend on the?

The pressure at the bottom of a barrel filled with liquid does not depend on the shape or size of the barrel. It depends only on the depth of the liquid and the density of the liquid.

How does the human body resist the atmospheric pressure?

The human body resists atmospheric pressure due to the balance of pressure inside and outside the body. Our body tissues, like skin and bones, provide structural support to prevent collapse. Additionally, air-filled spaces within the body, such as the lungs and sinuses, adjust to equalize pressure changes.

What is the pressure in psi at the bottom of a water tank that is filled to a dept of 25 feet?

10.85 psi.

3 A tank with a flat bottom is filled with water to a height of 4 meters What is the pressure at any point at the bottom of the tank You can ignore atmospheric pressure when calculating your?

The pressure at the bottom of the tank is determined by the weight of the water above that point. To calculate the pressure, you would use the formula P = ρgh, where P is pressure, ρ is density, g is acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the water column. Given the height is 4 meters and water density is 1000 kg/m^3, you can calculate the pressure.

What is a barometer filled with?

A barometer is typically filled with either mercury or a special type of alcohol, such as ethanol or isopropanol. Mercury has traditionally been a common choice due to its density and stability for measuring atmospheric pressure.

Is a fluorescent bulb is filled with gas at a high pressure?

No, just an inert gas and mercury vapor at close to atmospheric pressure. Without the inert gas it would be near vacuum, as very little mercury is needed.

What is the instrument used to determine air pressure is called?

The instrument used to determine air pressure is called a barometer. A simple barometer is a long glass tube filled with mercury that it turned upside down into another container filled with mercury.

Where is pressure greater and the least inside a bottle filled with water?

The pressure is greatest at the bottom of the bottle, as it is supporting the weight of the water above it. The pressure is least at the top of the bottle, where there is less water above exerting force.