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The formula to calculate the force on a charge in an electric field is: ( F = qE ), where ( F ) is the force, ( q ) is the charge, and ( E ) is the electric field strength. Given ( F = 3.0 \times 10^{-3} , \text{N} ) and ( E = 2.0 , \text{N/C} ), we can rearrange the formula to solve for the charge, yielding ( q = \frac{F}{E} = \frac{3.0 \times 10^{-3}}{2.0} = 1.5 \times 10^{-3} , \text{C} ). Thus, the magnitude of the charge is ( 1.5 \times 10^{-3} , \text{C} ).

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Q: A charge experiences a force of 3.0x10-3 N in an electric field of 2.0 nc what is the magnitude of the charge?
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Where is true of an object pulled inward in an electric field?

An object pulled inward in an electric field is moving in the direction of the electric field lines. The object experiences a force due to the electric field that causes it to accelerate towards the source of the field, typically a positive charge. The magnitude and direction of the force depend on the charge of the object and the electric field strength.

How is the magnitude of an electric field defined?

The magnitude of an electric field is defined as the force per unit charge experienced by a test charge placed in the field. It is measured in units of newtons per coulomb (N/C). This magnitude represents the strength of the electric field at a particular point.

What is the electric charge of a electron?

The electric charge of an electron is -1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs. This negative charge is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the charge of a proton.

In addition to the distance from a charged particle what other factor determines the magnitude of the electric potential?

Another factor that determines the magnitude of the electric potential is the amount of charge on the particle creating the electric field. The electric potential is directly proportional to the charge creating the field.

In addition to the distance between to particles what other factor determines the magnitude of the electric force between the particles?

The magnitude of the electric force between particles is also determined by the amount of charge on each particle. The greater the charge, the stronger the electric force.

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Is electric field dependent of magnitude of charge?

Yes, the electric field created by a point charge is directly proportional to the magnitude of the charge. As the charge increases, the electric field strength at a given distance from the charge also increases.

Where is true of an object pulled inward in an electric field?

An object pulled inward in an electric field is moving in the direction of the electric field lines. The object experiences a force due to the electric field that causes it to accelerate towards the source of the field, typically a positive charge. The magnitude and direction of the force depend on the charge of the object and the electric field strength.

How is the magnitude of an electric field defined?

The magnitude of an electric field is defined as the force per unit charge experienced by a test charge placed in the field. It is measured in units of newtons per coulomb (N/C). This magnitude represents the strength of the electric field at a particular point.

What is the electric charge of a electron?

The electric charge of an electron is -1.602 x 10^-19 coulombs. This negative charge is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the charge of a proton.

In addition to the distance from a charged particle what other factor determines the magnitude of the electric potential?

Another factor that determines the magnitude of the electric potential is the amount of charge on the particle creating the electric field. The electric potential is directly proportional to the charge creating the field.

What is electric potential dependent upon?

The magnitude of the electric potential is dependent upon the particle's charge and the electric field strength.

In addition to the distance between to particles what other factor determines the magnitude of the electric force between the particles?

The magnitude of the electric force between particles is also determined by the amount of charge on each particle. The greater the charge, the stronger the electric force.

The electric charge of a photon is how many times stronger the charge of an electron?

The electric charges of the proton and electron are equal in magnitude (size, strength), and opposite in sign.

What is the electric charge does proton have in electron?

A proton has a positive charge which is equal in magnitude but opposite to the charge on an electron, which is negative.

What are the magnitude and direction of the electric field 20.0 cm directly above an isolated charge?

The magnitude of the electric field above an isolated charge can be calculated using the formula E = k*q/r^2 where k is Coulomb's constant, q is the charge, and r is the distance. The direction of the electric field is radially outward from the charge.

Is it true that If an atom has an equal number of protons and electrons is charge-neutral?

Yes, because each proton carries a positive electric charge that is equal in magnitude to the negative electric charge on each electron.

What happens to the electric field around a single charge when another charge is added to the system?

The shape of the electric field is altered. The fields will react by either repelling or attracting each other.