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it's called reflection ...........

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It is called wave reflection.

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Q: A change in direction of a wave resulting from its meeting an opaque is clled?
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Do opaque objects refract?

No, opaque objects do not refract light. Refraction occurs when light passes through a medium with different optical properties, causing it to change direction. Opaque objects do not allow light to pass through them, so there is no refraction.

Can a ray refract on an opaque surface?

No, a ray cannot refract on an opaque surface because refraction occurs as light passes through a transparent or translucent medium, causing it to change direction. Opaque surfaces do not allow light to pass through, so refraction cannot occur on them.

Can opaque transmit any light?

No, opaque materials do not transmit any light because they do not allow light to pass through them. Light is either absorbed or reflected by opaque materials, resulting in little to no transmission of light.

What happens to light upon meeting opaque and transparent materials?

opaque material: some light will get reflected and some will get absorbed transparent material: light will go though it

Why is leather opaque?

Leather is opaque because it is made from animal skin that has been treated and processed to have a uniform texture and appearance. The fibers in the skin are densely packed together, which prevents light from passing through, resulting in an opaque material.

What kind of materials are opaque?

Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through them. Some examples of opaque materials include wood, metal, paper, and cardboard. These materials block light from penetrating through them, resulting in the inability to see through them.

What is formed when light is blocked blocked by an opaque object?

A shadow is formed when light is blocked by an opaque object. The shadow appears on the surface opposite the direction of the light source.

Clouding of what structure causes cataracts?

The crystalline lens becomes cloudy and opaque, resulting in a cataract.

What produces an opaque gel?

An opaque gel can be produced by combining a gelling agent, such as agar or gelatin, with a liquid like water or a cosmetic formulation. The gelling agent forms a network structure that traps the liquid, resulting in a semi-solid, opaque consistency. Additionally, the addition of opaque ingredients or pigments can further enhance the opacity of the gel.

When light reaches an opaque material resulting in the reflection of certain wavelengths of light by the material is an example of what?

Scattering of Lght . ! (:

Why is cardboard opaque?

Cardboard is opaque because it is a thick material made up of multiple layers of paper fibers pressed together. These layers block out light and prevent it from passing through, resulting in opacity.

What is opaque gas?

Opaque gas refers to a gas that does not allow light to pass through it, resulting in it appearing cloudy or dense. This can occur when the gas contains particles or impurities that scatter or absorb light. Some examples of opaque gases include smoke, smog, and certain industrial emissions.