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A car accelerates from to at a rate of How far does it travel while accelerating

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4w ago

To calculate how far the car travels while accelerating, you would need to use the kinematic equation: distance = (initial velocity × time) + (0.5 × acceleration × time^2). Plug in the values of the initial velocity, final velocity, and acceleration into the formula to find the distance traveled.

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Q: A car accelerates from to at a rate of How far does it travel while accelerating?
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Acceleration is the rate of change of an object's velocity, which includes both changes in speed and direction. If an object is changing speed but not direction, it is still considered to be accelerating.

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An object accelerates if its velocity changes. More precisely, "acceleration" is the rate of change of velocity (how quickly velocity changes), or in symbols, dv/dt.

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Motion implies momentum, which implies velocity. Linear implies a straight line. Accelerating implies changing velocity. And uniform implies constancy. So, when an object moves in a straight line and accelerates at a constant rate, you have uniformly accelerating linear motion.

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An object is accelerating if any of these things are happening . . .-- its speed is increasing-- its speed is decreasing-- its direction is changing.The object may be accelerating even if its speed isn't changing.Acceleration does not mean "speeding up".

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No, a jogger moving at a constant speed is not accelerating. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the jogger's speed remains constant, there is no acceleration.

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No, if an object's speed is constant, then it is not accelerating. Acceleration is the rate of change of an object's velocity, which includes both speed and direction. If an object's speed is constant, it means there is no change in velocity and therefore no acceleration.

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a catalyst

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60.912 meters in that time

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sqrt(30) seconds = 5.48 seconds (approx)

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a catalyst

10 examples of law of acceleration?

-- A car accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the car. -- A stone accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the stone. -- A Frisbee accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the Frisbee. -- A baseball accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the baseball. -- A dog accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the dog. -- A book accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the book. -- A canoe accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the canoe. -- An airplane accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the airplane. -- A planet accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the planet. -- A cow accelerates in the direction of the net force on it, at a rate equal to the magnitude of the net force divided by the mass of the cow.