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It moves with uniform acceleration,because it has a constant force acting on it (its weight).

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acceleration due to gravity. This acceleration is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 and causes the body to increase its velocity uniformly as it falls towards the Earth.

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Q: A body falling freely from a hight towards the earth moves with uniform?
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Which type of motion is exhibited by a freely falling body?

A freely falling body exhibits uniform acceleration motion due to the force of gravity acting on it. This means that the body's speed increases by the same amount every second as it falls towards the Earth.

What is the motion of a freely faling body?

A freely falling body undergoes uniform acceleration due to gravity, moving in a straight line towards the Earth's center. The acceleration experienced by the body is approximately 9.8 m/s^2 near the Earth's surface.

A body falling from a height towards the earth moves with uniform?

It moves with uniform acceleration due to gravity

What is the force that pulls the freely falling body towards the earth is called?

Gravitational Force

What is the gain in speed of a freely falling object?

There is a uniform accleration of 9.8 m/s*s experienced by a free falling object, caused due to the earth's gravity.

What is constant for an object falling freely towards the earth?

The constant for an object falling freely towards the Earth is the acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.8 m/s^2. This acceleration remains the same regardless of the mass of the object, resulting in all objects falling at the same rate in a vacuum.

When an object falls freely to the ground its acceleration is uniform?

Yes, when an object falls freely due to gravity, its acceleration is uniform and equal to 9.8 m/s^2, directed towards the center of the Earth. This uniform acceleration is the result of the gravitational force acting on the object and is independent of the object's mass.

What is a freely falling projectile?

A freely falling projectile is an object that is only acted upon by gravity, moving through the air in a parabolic path while falling towards the ground. It does not have any initial horizontal force or acceleration other than gravity acting upon it.

What is the answer to this Freely falling bodies undergo what acceleration?

Freely falling bodies undergo acceleration due to gravity, which is approximately 9.81 m/s^2 on Earth. This acceleration causes the speed of the falling object to increase as it falls towards the ground.

Why doesn't the earth Fall?

The Earth stays in orbit around the Sun due to the balance between its forward motion and the gravitational pull of the Sun. This balance creates a stable orbit where the Earth falls towards the Sun but misses it and continues in its path around it.

A body falling freely from a height towared the earth moves with uniform?

... accelerates at approx 9.81 metres per second squared and experiences weightlessness. Friction with the air prevents continuous acceleration and the falling body reaches a maximum velocity called the terminal velocity.

What changes in a freely falling body?

In a freely falling body, its velocity increases due to the acceleration caused by gravity. The acceleration is constant (9.8 m/s^2 on Earth), and the body's motion is only affected by gravity, not air resistance. The body's position changes continuously as it falls towards the ground.