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The speed of the Baseball can be calculated using the formula: speed = distance / time. Plugging in the values, we get speed = 20 meters / 0.5 seconds = 40 meters per second. Thus, the speed of the baseball is 40 m/s.

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Q: A baseball is thrown a distance of 20 meters what is its speed if it takes 0.5 seconds to cover its distance?
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How can you find the velocity in meters per secound of a baseball thrown 38 m from third basse to first base in 1.7s?

To find the velocity, you can use the formula: Velocity = Distance / Time. In this case, the distance is 38 meters and the time is 1.7 seconds. So, the velocity of the baseball thrown from third base to first base is 38 meters / 1.7 seconds = 22.35 meters per second.

How far can a stone be thrown?

The distance a stone can be thrown depends on various factors such as the strength of the person throwing it, the weight and shape of the stone, and environmental conditions like wind. On average, a person can throw a stone about 30-40 meters, but skilled individuals have been known to throw stones over 100 meters in distance.

A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff at a speed of 15 ms and strikes the ground 45 meters from the base of the cliff. How long was the ball in the air3?

The time the ball was in the air can be calculated using the horizontal distance it traveled and its initial horizontal velocity. Time = distance / velocity. In this case, time = 45m / 15 m/s = 3 seconds.

A ball being thrown at 150kph takes how low to travel 20meters?

To calculate the time it takes for the ball to travel 20 meters, we first convert the speed to m/s: 150 km/h = 41.67 m/s. Then, we use the formula: time = distance/speed. Therefore, the ball takes approximately 0.48 seconds to travel 20 meters.

How far can a ball be thrown?

The distance a ball can be thrown depends on factors such as the strength and technique of the person throwing it, the weight and aerodynamics of the ball, and environmental conditions like wind. Professional athletes have been known to throw a ball over 100 meters.

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A baseball thrown 38 meters in 1.7 seconds?


How can you find the velocity in meters per secound of a baseball thrown 38 m from third basse to first base in 1.7s?

To find the velocity, you can use the formula: Velocity = Distance / Time. In this case, the distance is 38 meters and the time is 1.7 seconds. So, the velocity of the baseball thrown from third base to first base is 38 meters / 1.7 seconds = 22.35 meters per second.

A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff and hits the ground 4 seconds later 40 meters from the base of the cliff?

The ball was thrown horizontally at 10 meters per sec, and the thrower's arm was 78.4 meters above the base of the cliff.

A ball is thrown horizontally from a cliff and hits the ground 4 seconds later 40 meters from the base of the cliff How fast was the ball thrown?

10 m/s

How long does it take for a baseball thrown at 99 mph to go 60 feet 6 inches?

0.42 seconds.

What is the velocity of a ball thrown 20 ft in 4 seconds?

In the case of constant velocity (or speed), velocity = distance / time.

A rock is thrown from a cliff and hits the ground 5 seconds later at a distance of 50 meters from the cliff How high was the cliff?

Assuming you throw the rock horizontally off the cliff it drops down at the acceletrtion of gravity. height= 1/2 gt^2 With g = 9.8 m/sec and t = 5 seconds we have height = (1/2) (9.8)(5)(5) = 122.5 meters notice it has nothing todo with the 50 meter distance, which depends on the horizontal velocity.

How far can a stone be thrown?

The distance a stone can be thrown depends on various factors such as the strength of the person throwing it, the weight and shape of the stone, and environmental conditions like wind. On average, a person can throw a stone about 30-40 meters, but skilled individuals have been known to throw stones over 100 meters in distance.

The velocity of a baseball 4 seconds after it is thrown vertically upward with a speed of 32.1 is?

If that's 32.1 meters per second initially, then after 4 seconds it's fallingwith a speed of 7.1 meters per second.If that's 32.1 feet per second initially, then it returns to the thrower's hand injust under 2 seconds, and it's in the dirt long before 4 seconds have passed.If it had been tossed at the edge of a cliff, then after 4 seconds, it would befalling with a speed of 96.7 feet per second.

If a baseball is pitched 55 mph from a distance of 45 feet what would that speed simulate from a distance of 54 feet?

A ball thrown at 55mph will take ~.558 seconds to go 45 feet. A ball will take ~.558 seconds to travel 54 feet at a speed of 66mph. So, the 55mph pitch from 45 feet is simulating 66mph from 54 feet.

What is the answer to a baseball thrown at the distance of 60feet what is its speed if it takes 0.5 seconds to cover the distance?

(60 feet per 0.5 second) = 120 feet per second = 81.82 miles per hourThat's the baseball's horizontal speed. Since it can't be thrown without anyvertical motion, and the vertical component of its speed is accelerated becauseof gravity, its actual speed keeps changing throughout the flight, and its speedat any moment is a pretty complicated question.

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