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It depends on what the metal is. Different materials have different specific heats and will take various amount of energy to heat up. You need to find the specific heat of the metal used.

Use Q=CmT

Q=amount of energy

C=specific heat


T=change in temp

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To calculate the heat transferred, you need to use the formula Q = mc∆T, where Q is the heat transferred, m is the mass of the metal (14.8g), c is the specific heat capacity of the metal, and ∆T is the change in temperature (7.58°C). You also need the specific heat capacity of the metal to calculate the heat transferred.

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Q: A 14.8g piece of metal is warmed so that its temperature increases by 7.58 degrees much heat was transferred into it?
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Why does the temperature of water stop rising at 23 degrees centigrade?

At 23 degrees Celsius, water reaches its maximum density. As the temperature of water increases beyond this point, its density begins to decrease, causing colder water to rise to the surface. This phenomenon is known as the temperature of maximum density.

What factor does the average kinetic energy of the molecules of gas in an aerosol container increase when the temperature is raised from 27 degrees Celsius to 627 degrees Celsius?

The average kinetic energy of the gas molecules increases. This is because temperature is directly proportional to kinetic energy, as stated by the Kinetic Theory of Gases. Therefore, as the temperature increases, the molecules have higher kinetic energy.

The temperature of a fluid increases by 48.0 C what is this increase in degrees Fahrenheit?

The increase in temperature of 48.0°C is equivalent to an increase of 86.4°F in Fahrenheit scale. The conversion formula is °F = (°C × 1.8) + 32.

What happens to the movement of the molecules as the temperature rises from 0-100 degrees Celsius?

As the temperature rises from 0-100 degrees Celsius, the movement of the molecules increases. This is because the molecules gain more thermal energy, causing them to vibrate and move more rapidly. At 100 degrees Celsius, the molecules have enough energy to overcome the intermolecular forces holding them together, leading to the boiling of the substance.

What happens to the temperature while the water is in the process of freezing?

The temperature remains constant during the process of freezing as the liquid water transitions to solid ice. This is known as the freezing point and happens at 0 degrees Celsius.

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