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This scenario violates the law of conservation of momentum. If the two objects collided perfectly elastically, the first object would transfer its momentum to the second object, causing both objects to move with a final velocity determined by momentum conservation equations.

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Q: A 10-kg object moving at 20 ms collides with a 10-kg object that is stationary. After the collision the velocity of the second object is 20 ms.?
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A kg ball with a velocity of 5 sec hits another kg ball that is stationary.what is the momentum of each ball before the collision?

The momentum of the moving ball before the collision is 5 kg m/s (mass x velocity). The stationary ball has a momentum of 0 kg m/s because it is not moving.

A car and a truck have a collision The truck has a mass 8 times the mass of the car if the truck is moving at 60kmhr and the car is stationary how fast do the two move after their inelastic collision?

In an inelastic collision, the two vehicles will stick together and move at a common velocity after the collision. The velocity after the collision can be calculated using the principle of conservation of momentum. Since the car is stationary, the final velocity after the collision will be 60/9 = 6.67 km/hr.

What are stationary objects?

Stationary objects are objects that are not moving or changing position relative to a reference point. They appear to be at rest and have no velocity. Examples of stationary objects include a chair, a building, or a mountain.

What happens when a moving shuffleboard puck hits a stationary puck of equal mass in head on collision?

In a head-on collision between a moving shuffleboard puck and a stationary puck of equal mass, the momentum of the moving puck is transferred to the stationary puck. Both pucks will move off in opposite directions at the same speed, conserving momentum.

A billiard ball will stop short when it collides head-on with a ball at rest the ball cannot stop short however if the collision is not exactly head on why?

The momemtum trasnsferred is only partial, mvcos(angle). If angle is not zero, there is momentum not transfered and thus left to move the incident ball.

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What is allision mean?

" Allision" refers to a nautical term where a moving vessel collides with a stationary object such as a bridge or dock. It is different from a "collision," which involves two moving vessels striking each other.

A kg ball with a velocity of 5 sec hits another kg ball that is stationary.what is the momentum of each ball before the collision?

The momentum of the moving ball before the collision is 5 kg m/s (mass x velocity). The stationary ball has a momentum of 0 kg m/s because it is not moving.

A car and a truck have a collision The truck has a mass 8 times the mass of the car if the truck is moving at 60kmhr and the car is stationary how fast do the two move after their inelastic collision?

In an inelastic collision, the two vehicles will stick together and move at a common velocity after the collision. The velocity after the collision can be calculated using the principle of conservation of momentum. Since the car is stationary, the final velocity after the collision will be 60/9 = 6.67 km/hr.

What is an object that's not moving?

A stationary object with velocity of zero.

What are stationary objects?

Stationary objects are objects that are not moving or changing position relative to a reference point. They appear to be at rest and have no velocity. Examples of stationary objects include a chair, a building, or a mountain.

How do I calculate the velocity of an object which hits a stationary object if I know the mass of both objects and the distance the stationary object was moved what else must I know to calculate?

In addition to the mass of both objects and the distance the stationary object was moved, you need to know the coefficient of restitution or the type of collision (elastic or inelastic). This information will help you determine how much kinetic energy was transferred during the collision and allow you to calculate the velocity of the moving object before and after the collision.

A 9000kg raiload car movin at 3ms strike a stationary not moving 5000kg railroad car. If the two railroad cars couple and move off togetherafter the collision what is there velocity?

1.93 m/s

What happens when a moving shuffleboard puck hits a stationary puck of equal mass in head on collision?

In a head-on collision between a moving shuffleboard puck and a stationary puck of equal mass, the momentum of the moving puck is transferred to the stationary puck. Both pucks will move off in opposite directions at the same speed, conserving momentum.

A billiard ball will stop short when it collides head-on with a ball at rest the ball cannot stop short however if the collision is not exactly head on why?

The momemtum trasnsferred is only partial, mvcos(angle). If angle is not zero, there is momentum not transfered and thus left to move the incident ball.

Zero velocity means vehicle must be stationary?

Zero velocity means that the vehicle and the person who is measuring the velocity are moving together.

Does a stationary object have momentum?

No, a stationary object does not have momentum because momentum is the product of an object's mass and its velocity. If an object is not moving (velocity is zero), then its momentum will also be zero.

What is an object that is not moving?

A stationary rock is an object that is not moving.