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vibration of the object and a medium such as air

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4mo ago

To produce a sound wave, you need a vibrating source, such as a speaker or vocal cords, which creates oscillations in the air molecules. These oscillations propagate as pressure waves through a medium, such as air or water, until they reach a receiver, like our ears, that can detect and interpret them as sound.

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What are the features of sound wave?

A sound wave is a vibration of air that travels at approximately 767mph. The higher up these vibrations go (amplitude), the louder the sound is. The closer together these vibrations are (frequency), the higher pitch the sound will be.

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Sound intensity is the amount of energy a sound wave carries per unit area per second. It is typically measured in units of watts per square meter (W/m^2). The intensity of a sound wave is proportional to the square of the sound wave's amplitude.

How many type of sound wave are there?

there are two types of sound waves. (1) transverses waves (2) longitudinal waves

How big a sound wave is?

The size of a sound wave is typically measured in terms of its wavelength, which is the distance between two consecutive peaks or troughs of the wave. The wavelength of a sound wave is inversely proportional to its frequency, meaning that higher frequency sounds have shorter wavelengths and lower frequency sounds have longer wavelengths. Sound waves can vary in size depending on factors such as the frequency and amplitude of the sound.

Loudness of sound is function of?

1. The energy of the sound wave. 2. The sound frequencies and the psychacoustic model that shows the hearing sensetivity of each frequecy.

What is sound energy formula?

The formula for sound energy is E = 0.5 * A^2 * ρ * v^2, where E is the sound energy, A is the amplitude of the sound wave, ρ is the density of the medium through which the sound is propagating, and v is the velocity of sound in that medium.

What are three aspects of sound waves?

Three aspects of sound waves are frequency (pitch), amplitude (loudness), and wavelength (distance between wave peaks). These factors determine the characteristics of a sound wave such as how high or low the pitch is, how loud the sound is, and how the wave propagates through a medium.

The sound wave is directed towards a cliff that is 680 meters away from the source of the sound An echo wave is heard 4 seconds after the wave is produced What is the period of the sound wave?

The time it takes for the sound to travel to the cliff and back as an echo is 4 seconds. Since the sound wave travels twice the distance to the cliff and back, the total distance traveled is 2 × 680 = 1360 meters. Using the formula speed = distance/time, we can calculate the speed of sound. The period of the sound wave is the time it takes for one complete cycle, which in this case is the time it takes for the sound to travel to the cliff and back, which we found to be 4 seconds.

What are wavelenghts?

wavelenght is the distance between the 2 peaks in sound waves and can be calculated by Wavelenght is = wave speed/ frequency or wave speed __________ frequency