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Releasing a ball with a sling shot is an example of elastic potential energy being converted into kinetic energy, which is a form of mechanical energy.

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Q: -Releasing a ball with a sling shot is an example of what type of force?
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How does action reaction forces apply to softball?

In softball, action-reaction forces come into play when a player throws a ball. As the player exerts force on the ball by releasing it, an equal and opposite force is exerted on the player in the opposite direction. This force helps propel the ball forward.

How will you stop a rolling ball?

put your hand there to stop it.

What holds the projectile in a trebuchet?

In a trebuchet, the projectile is held in a sling at the end of the throwing arm. When the trebuchet is released, the throwing arm swings forward, releasing the projectile from the sling and propelling it forward.

What are some forces please list?

In simple terms Force is a push or pull.. A force will tend to move a body at rest, stop a body in motion. Your weight in the downward direction is an example of Force. If you push or pull something, that particular body experiences force. When a ball hits you, the ball applies force on your body. In the same way, you also apply force on the ball- according to Newton's Third Law. (For each and every reaction there is a equal and opposite reaction.) It is due to force applied by you on the ball, the ball rebounds. Similarly is the case when you hit the ball on the floor and the ball rebounds... These were some basic example of forces...

If you throw a ball to your friend. will the ball exert a force against your hand?

Yes, when you throw a ball, your hand exerts a force on the ball to propel it forward. The ball also exerts an equal and opposite force on your hand, according to Newton's third law of motion. This exchange of forces allows the ball to be thrown.

Why is a ball bouncing off a wall an example of newtons third law of motion?

According to newton's second law of motion action and reaction are equal in magnitude.So,when we throw a ball on wall it bounces back,when ball strike the wall it is the action which is done by ball on wall as a result ball produces reaction due to which ball bounces back.Thus bouncing of a ball is an example of Newton's second law of motion. Thankyou

When you drop a ball what is the action force on the ball?

When you drop a ball, the action force on the ball is the force of gravity pulling the ball towards the ground.

What is the force of a foot kicking a soccer ball with the force of the soccer ball on the foot?

by applying force to the ball the ball will apply an equal and opposite force on the foot. when you kick the ball, the ball will move forward and your foot will move backward. this force is unnoticeable to the common person simply because we are not looking for it

When a ball is going to be thorwn what force is act?

When a ball is being thrown, the force acting on it is the muscular force exerted by the person throwing the ball. This force causes the ball to accelerate and be propelled forward.

What is net force?

Net force is the overall force acting on an object, taking into account all the individual forces that are acting on it. It is calculated by summing up all the forces and considering their direction and magnitude. Net force determines the object's acceleration and ultimately its motion.

Is a boy chasing a ball an example of a balanced force?

No, a boy chasing a ball is not an example of balanced forces. Balanced forces occur when two forces acting on an object are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, resulting in no overall change in the object's motion. A boy chasing a ball involves unbalanced forces, as he exerts more force in one direction to catch the ball.

When you throw a ball your hand applies blank to the ball?

When you throw a ball, your hand applies force to the ball. The force propels the ball forward, giving it speed and direction.