

Why you need to study logic?

Updated: 5/1/2024
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13y ago

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You need to study logic in order to make sense of information and separate truth from falsehood, or theory from proof. Humans need to have at least a basic understanding of logic, even if not studying the subject of logic in detail. For example, consider this:-

All humans are animals

All cats are animals

Hence all humans are cats

The first two statements are true - we "know" this. Logically, you could argue that the third statement (the conclusion) is also true, but by studying the logic structure (set theory) behind the scenario (the animals set) we can see that the conclusion is a non-sequitur (latin for "it does not follow"). The animals set incorporates the humans set and the cats set, but those two sets do not overlap at all. Logically, after considering the sets, not only can we conclude that not all humans are cats and that not all cats are humans, but we can also conclude that no humans are cats and no cats are humans.

Now consider this:-

Many aircraft spray chemicals and leave visible "chem-trails" in the sky

Many commercial aircraft leave visible trails in the sky ("con-trails")

Hence many commercial aircraft are spraying chemicals

The first statement can refer to crop-spraying activities and is certainly true. The second statement is also certainly true and you can look up into the sky most days and see contrails. Is the conclusion true? This is a classic conspiracy theory which fails under logical analysis, yet many people think it must be true. Research the subject of chem trails and see what you think. How many non sequiturs can you find in the arguments presented?

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2mo ago

Studying logic helps improve critical thinking skills, enhances problem-solving abilities, and enables one to make sound arguments and decisions based on evidence and reasoning. It provides a framework for evaluating information, identifying fallacies, and understanding relationships between ideas. Ultimately, studying logic can lead to clearer communication and a more rational approach to various aspects of life.

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Continue Learning about Philosophy

What did Aristotle contribute to the study of logic?

Aristotle is considered the father of formal logic and made significant contributions to the study of logic. He developed the syllogism as a method of reasoning and introduced concepts such as deduction, induction, and the laws of thought that laid the foundation for modern logic.

How do you study logic?

To study logic, one can start by familiarizing oneself with basic logical principles and concepts such as deductive reasoning, truth tables, and logical fallacies. It is also helpful to practice solving logic puzzles and arguments to improve critical thinking skills. Additionally, studying formal logic systems like propositional and predicate logic can deepen understanding of logical structures and reasoning.

Why do we study logic?

We study logic to improve our critical thinking skills, analyze arguments for validity, and make sound decisions based on reasoning and evidence. Understanding logic helps us identify fallacies and inconsistencies in reasoning, leading to more rational and informed discussions and decisions.

What are the major philosophical areas of inquiry?

The major philosophical areas of inquiry include metaphysics (study of reality and existence), epistemology (study of knowledge), ethics (study of morality and values), logic (study of reasoning), and aesthetics (study of art and beauty). Additionally, areas such as political philosophy, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of language are also commonly explored in the field of philosophy.

What are the six branches of philosophy?

The six branches of philosophy are: metaphysics (study of existence), epistemology (study of knowledge), ethics (study of morality), aesthetics (study of art and beauty), logic (study of reasoning), and political philosophy (study of government and society).

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To help them think critically.

When did Aristotle discover mathematical logic?

With the Prior Analytics, Aristotle is credited with the earliest study of formal logic, and his conception of it was the dominant form of Western logic until 19th century advances in mathematical logic.

What is meant by logic in tagalog?

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