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The most common answer philosophers give is that in a state of nature you have total freedom to do anything you want since there is no government, but just as you have total freedom to do TO someone else what you want, they also have that freedom to do it to you. Thus insecurity is born. The remedy is to form a contract/compact with your fellow Men to establish a government that will protect you from these insecurities. However, since governments are by nature coersive, they will limit the freedom you had in a state of nature. Rational Choice theory would say that you would form such a contract/compact.

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A free man in the state of nature might be willing to give up some freedom in exchange for security and protection of his rights from others in the community. By forming a social contract and agreeing to follow certain rules and laws, individuals can create a more stable and organized society that benefits everyone.

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Q: Why would a free man in the state of nature be willing to give up some of his freedom?
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According to John Locke why would a free man in the state of nature be willing to give up some of his freedom?

A free man in the state of nature would be willing to give up some of his freedom to enter into social contract because it provides greater security and protection of his natural rights. By forming a government, individuals can better ensure the protection of their property and rights, creating a more stable and organized society.

What are Rousseau's views on radical freedom?

Rousseau believed in the concept of radical freedom as the state of nature where individuals are free from societal constraints and obligations. He argued that true freedom could only be achieved by living in harmony with nature and following one's natural instincts and emotions. Rousseau believed that returning to a simpler way of life would result in greater individual freedom and happiness.

Did hobbes like the idea of a state of nature?

No, Hobbes did not like the idea of a state of nature. He believed that it would lead to a "war of all against all" and chaos, where life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short." Hobbes argued for a powerful sovereign to maintain order and prevent this state of nature.

What did johns Locke say might happen in a state of nature?

One of the things was that people will protect their natural rights by using their own strength and skill.

How did thomas hobbes view human nature?

Thomas Hobbes believed that human nature was inherently selfish and driven by a desire for power and self-preservation. He argued that in a state of nature, without a governing authority, individuals would be in a constant state of conflict with one another.

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According to John Locke why would a free man in the state of nature be willing to give up some of his freedom?

A free man in the state of nature would be willing to give up some of his freedom to enter into social contract because it provides greater security and protection of his natural rights. By forming a government, individuals can better ensure the protection of their property and rights, creating a more stable and organized society.

Why would a free man in the state of nature would be willing to give up some of his freedom?

The most common answer philosophers give is that in a state of nature you have total freedom to do anything you want since there is no government, but just as you have total freedom to do TO someone else what you want, they also have that freedom to do it to you. Thus insecurity is born. The remedy is to form a contract/compact with your fellow Men to establish a government that will protect you from these insecurities. However, since governments are by nature coersive, they will limit the freedom you had in a state of nature. Rational Choice theory would say that you would form such a contract/compact.

Would anyone have the right to govern you in a state of nature?

In a state of nature, individuals have no established government or authority. Therefore, no one would inherently have the right to govern another person, as there are no formal structures or agreements in place.

Why would a person give up the freedom of the state of nature?

because of their love/devotion/passion for something. example: family

For what causes would you be willing to make a significant sacrifice?

Freedom of speech,freedom of religion and Independence

What are Rousseau's views on radical freedom?

Rousseau believed in the concept of radical freedom as the state of nature where individuals are free from societal constraints and obligations. He argued that true freedom could only be achieved by living in harmony with nature and following one's natural instincts and emotions. Rousseau believed that returning to a simpler way of life would result in greater individual freedom and happiness.

What were Karl Marx's views on freedom?

Social equality and a class-less state would achieve equality and freedom for all.

Can congress create a state religion?

No. That would contradict the separation of church and state and hinder religious freedom.

In which state would you be in if you were following a nature trail in the Everglades?


Which state has the law where it is illegal to smile?

Any such law would violate freedom of expression which falls under freedom of speech and thus would quickly be declared unconstitutional.

How important is the freedom of religion?

Very important. Without the freedom of religion there would be state religion.

Compare and contrast state of nature according Hobbes and rousseu?

According to Thomas Hobbes, the state of nature or life would be worthless if not protected by the state, while according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the state of nature involves men driving towards self-preservation.