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The delirious state was dangerous for both Phillip and Timothy because it impaired their judgment, coordination, and decision-making abilities. They were unable to think clearly or rationally, increasing their risk of making dangerous mistakes or causing harm to themselves or others. Additionally, impaired cognition may have prevented them from seeking help or following safety protocols in their challenging circumstances.

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Why living in the state of nature dangerous By john Locke?

John Locke argued that living in the state of nature is dangerous because there is no common authority to protect individuals' rights and resolve conflicts. This lack of a governing body can lead to a state of war where everyone is constantly at risk of harm and instability, making life solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. Locke believed that forming a civil society with a government based on the consent of the governed was necessary to secure individuals' rights and ensure peace.

What is Thomas Hobbes original state of nature?

Thomas Hobbes's original state of nature is a hypothetical condition before the creation of societies, where individuals were in a state of constant conflict and competition for resources. In this state, life was described as "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short," leading individuals to pursue self-interest and ultimately creating a chaotic and dangerous environment.

When did Aristotle believe monarchy and aristocracy become dangerous?

Aristotle believed that monarchy and aristocracy became dangerous when rulers in these systems began to prioritize their own interests over the common good of the society. He warned that when rulers became corrupt or tyrannical, the stability and well-being of the state were at risk.

Why did the leaders in Athens feel that socrates was dangerous?

The leaders in Athens considered Socrates dangerous because he challenged traditional beliefs, questioned authority, and encouraged critical thinking among the youth. His philosophical ideas were seen as a threat to the stability of the city-state and the social order. Additionally, his association with other individuals who were critical of the government, such as Alcibiades and Critias, heightened suspicions about his influence.

Athenian who was sentenced to death for teaching dangerous ideas?

Socrates was an Athenian philosopher sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety towards the state's gods. He refused to flee and accepted his sentence by drinking poison hemlock.

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