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Philosophers have pondered on the great metaphysical problems human has, like what is our purpose in life, what is that thing we call "truth", what "reality" consists of. By philosophizing you try to answer these questions. People have been doing that because of their innate curiosity to find out who they really are and where they are going. If you don't care about finding out your self, then you are not interested in philosophy. Philosophy - i.e. our tendency in asking "why" instead of just "how" - is one of the things that seperates us from animals.

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Philosophizing helps individuals engage in critical thinking, examine their beliefs, and gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. It encourages contemplation of life's big questions and fosters intellectual curiosity and open-mindedness.

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Q: Why is it useful to philosophize?
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The past tense of "philosophy" is "philosophized."

Who is the rapper Philosophize?

I went to and there was a biography which I have taken with permission. Philosophize Up and coming Sydney Hip Hop artist Philosophize was born 13th June 1989. With a life filled with music, he began playing clarinet at the age of 6 in a concert band with his older brothers and sister, lead by a music teacher Murray Bishop who influenced greatly on the young boy's life. In his teenage years he also picked up the saxophone and played in the jazz band Overload. In 2004, at 15, he started writing poetry, but stopped a year later, after building up a large collection of poems, to work and focus on writing lyrics, a 'better form of expression' says the lyricist and rapper. At this stage Philosophize, a name he would later take on, was writing songs which touched base with all emotions with vivid descriptions, quite a feat for a person of his age. At this time the teenager was in a dark part of his life and found himself heading down the wrong path. Philosophize was coming to terms with the life he had lived up to this point and the choices he was making and this is seen in his personal lyrics. By the time he was pushing 18 years of age his lyrics changed dramatically. He was appreciating the difficult contest of understanding his life and his songs reflect this very much. This is around the time in which he created and adopted the stage name Philosophize, previously going under the lose identities of Wolf and much later Paladin MC. The names came from two stages of the life he was living where the changes and development of his lyrics are also present. The Wolf signifies someone unjustly feared and hated while in contrast a Paladin, a chivalrous, loyal and moral knight, was a symbol of all things good. The Philosophize logo is made up of half a wolf's face and half a paladin's hemlet, resembling the struggle he experienced in becoming the person he is today. Through his final years at school, which he was lucky to have made it through, Philosophize became fascinated by the depths of the human mind. This was influenced by his English Teacher Mr Warwick Pitt who made references in class to such 'philosophical' ideas. Pursuing his desire to understand these concepts more Philosophize began learning outside of class which opened a window in his mind and ultimately shaping his songs. His first song "Street Corner" is a sharp reflection on this. This first song was released in 2008 on the internet with the help of his websites. He quickly followed this release with the upbeat song Kamikaze Party, two songs which will be seen on the expected future release of his EP "In The Eyes of The Wolf". Philosophize recorded his tracks at the Sound Basement (, a studio owned by his producer Val Calocerinos and will continue to record and create music in this dynamic partnership. Philosophize's music generally gives us a different and individual perspective of the world and the lives that we live and is supported with strong emotions that we can all relate to. While influenced by many factors, he brings a unique sound and style to hip hop as well as the music industry as a whole. While musically talented, the main focus and flare in his music is within the lyrics and ideas he brings forth. Philosophize says he "writes in a hope that my music can open people's minds and touch them so that in some way it can better their lives, even if it's only for the duration of the song." Philosophize sends a special thanks to: Murray Bishop, Val Calocerinos, Michelle Mackay, Mr Warwick Pitt and Verity MC

Why do you need to philosophize man?

to understand deep meanings of seemingly simple things

What is the comparative and superlative forms of useful?

more useful, the most useful

What is the Superlative and comparative to the word useful?

Most useful and more useful.

What is the comparative from useful?

The comparative form of "useful" is "more useful."

Comparative and superlative forms of useful?

Comparative: more useful Superlative: most useful

What is a sentence with the word useful?

Computers are so useful to us.Bert is not a very useful person.I find that the phone is a useful invention.Make yourself useful and pass me the spanner.Hopefully these sentences are useful to you.

How are mirrors useful on roads?

how are mirrors useful ? how are mirrors useful ?

What are the comparative and superlative of useful?

more useful, most useful