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"A little knowledge is a dangerous thing" was first used by Alexander Pope in An Essay on Criticism (1709). It means that a small amount of knowledge can lead people to believe they know more about something than they really do.

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It is said that little knowledge is a dangerous thing because having only a limited understanding of a topic can lead to overconfidence and mistakes. People may make decisions based on incomplete or inaccurate information, causing harm or confusion. It highlights the importance of seeking a deeper understanding before making significant choices.

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Q: Why is it said that little knowledge is a dangerous thing?
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Who said knowledge is nothing if not shared?

Knowledge is nothing if not shared was first said by the famous author, Terry Pratchett. This quote emphasizes the importance and value of sharing knowledge with others for the greater good of society.

Who said a little knowledge is a dangerous thing?

Alexander Pope (1688 - 1744) wrote 'An Essay on Criticism' in 1709. In it he wrote: "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again." The modern meaning translates to mean that people with a small amount of knowledge often think that they have more 'expertise' than they really do. Sometimes, when this percieved 'expertise' translates into action, it can result in unpredictable, or even tragic consequences.

Who said said Imagination is more important than knowledge?

The quote "Imagination is more important than knowledge" is attributed to Albert Einstein. Einstein believed that imagination was crucial for innovation and pushing boundaries of knowledge.

Who said Study without thought is vain thought without study is dangerous.?

The quote "Study without thought is vain; thought without study is dangerous" is attributed to Confucius, the ancient Chinese philosopher. This quote highlights the importance of both studying and critically thinking about what one learns in order to avoid empty knowledge or reckless actions.

Who said To know that you know what you know and to know that you do not know what you do not know that is true knowledge?

Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, said this quote. It emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and the acknowledgment of one's limitations in order to attain true knowledge.

Related questions

Who said A little learning is dangerous thing?

The phrase "A little learning is a dangerous thing" is from the poem "An Essay on Criticism" by Alexander Pope. It suggests that having a small amount of knowledge can be more harmful than not having any knowledge at all because it can lead to overconfidence and errors in judgment.

Who said A little learning is a dangerous thing drink deep or taste not the Pierian spring?

The quote "A little learning is a dangerous thing; drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring" is from Alexander Pope's poem "An Essay on Criticism." It warns against the dangers of superficial knowledge and encourages seeking deep understanding instead. The Pierian spring refers to a source of knowledge in ancient Greek mythology.

What is a quote from?

"'A little reading is an exceedingly dangerous thing'"(Paterson 41). Ezekial said this to Lyddie and that helped her realize that she must first be taught to become free.

Science said to be two thing?

These two things are a body of knowledge and a process.

Is there a deep and dark and dangerous movie soon? one knows. They haven't said one thing.

Who said you hold it that little rebellion now and then it is a good thing?

Thomas Jefferson

What is a little sin?

There is no such thing as a little sin. God said if you hate your brother (or anyone) then that is just like murder.

Are some little volcanoes harmless?

no in 1902 a man named charles william said all volcanoes are all dangerous

What is the opposite of frogs?

Cinnamon. To my knowledge, this is said by Mandy in the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.

Why is it dangerous to light a Bunsen burner with a air hole open?

With the air hole fully open, the flame will be fierce, but I doubt if it can be said to be dangerous. Simply close the air hole a little.

How can you say knowledge in french?

"Knowledge" in French is said as "connaissance."

What did Frederick Douglass mean when he said a little learning indeed may be a dangerous thing but the want of learning is a calamity to any people?

want is a word close to need so, need must be fulfilled if possible knowing little does not signify/mean need/want.....however it gives false confidence/confusion which is to be avoided. i hope u get it