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Being poor and pure means having integrity and moral values, which can lead to a more content and fulfilling life. In contrast, being rich and sinful can bring about inner turmoil, guilt, and dissatisfaction despite material wealth. Ultimately, living a life of purity can bring peace and happiness that wealth alone can't provide.

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Q: Why is it better to be poor and pure than be rich and sinful?
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Was socrates poor or rich?

Socrates was considered to be poor. He did not place value on material wealth and lived a simple lifestyle focused on philosophical pursuits.

Why did poor people in France resent the rich?

Poor people in France resented the rich due to economic inequality, perceived social injustice, and lack of access to opportunities. The stark contrast in living standards and the perception of the wealthy as exploitative or indifferent contributed to resentment among the poor.

What does better to be the poor servant of a poor master mean?

It is possible that what Homer means is that it is better to have knowledge and be poor because of it, then be a rich fool who knows nothing.

What was swift attitude about rich and poor people in the modest proposal?

In Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal Swift's attitude towards rich and poor people is one of disdain. He argues that the wealthy do not take an interest in the plight of the poor, and that they are unconcerned by the suffering of the lower classes. Swift suggests that the poor should be seen as a resource to the rich, and that they should be used to help alleviate the poverty of the nation. He proposes that the children of the poor should be sold as food to the wealthy, in order to provide the poor with some financial gain and to ease the burden of poverty on the nation. Swift's attitude towards the rich and poor is thus one of criticism, as he believes they are not taking steps to help the poor, and that they should be utilizing the resources of the poor to help the nation.

Are the poor rich?

No, poor individuals do not have sufficient financial resources to be considered rich. The lack of wealth and assets typically characterizes those in poverty.

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A structural sin refers to the wrongs that is done to a given society. Poor peasants being driven out of their land by the rich tycoon is an example of the sinful social structures.

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when a certain structure gives one group (i.e rich) an advantage over another one (poor). Basically if something is bias towrds a certain group and disadvantages another.

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Detroit is a poor does have some very "Rich" Suburbs. The city itself has a better than 50% unemployment rate

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The differences between the poor houses and the rich houses were that the poor houses did not have fancy rooms or anything like that and the rich houses had store room lovely kitchen they had much better things then the poor houses

What was the differences between poor and rich in 1912?

In 1912, the differences between the poor and the rich were stark. The rich had access to better education, healthcare, and living conditions, while the poor often struggled with low wages, limited access to resources, and poor living conditions. Social divides were prominent, with the wealthy enjoying more opportunities and privileges than the poor.

How are poor people's clothing different from rich people's clothing?

well, rich people can buy better, fancier clothing than poor people. google it.

Why are some countries are rich and some countries are poor?

because the rich country is a developed country, has better health care/education/communication etc. and has better per capita income but the poor countries aren't.

What was the difference between the rich and poor ancient greek houses?

The differences between the poor houses and the rich houses were that the poor houses did not have fancy rooms or anything like that and the rich houses had store room lovely kitchen they had much better things then the poor houses

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Why would your society look down poor vs rich relationships?

Your society might look down on poor vs. rich relationships because it is more difficult to appreciate the poor than it is to appreciate the rich. In most societies, it is believed that rich people tend to be more educated and sometimes "better" than poor people.