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In "Brave New World," the Controller believes that those who are banished should be happy because they can live freely without the societal conditioning and control of the World State. Banishment offers an escape from the rigid social structure and conformity enforced in the society, allowing individuals the opportunity to experience true individuality and self-expression.

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Q: Why does the controller say they should be happy to be banished in brave new world?
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Why does the controller say they should be happy with the situation?

The controller may believe that the situation could have been worse and that there are still positive aspects to focus on. They may also want to encourage a positive attitude and acceptance of the current circumstances to maintain morale and productivity. Additionally, it could be a way to foster contentment and gratitude among those involved.

What is the purpose of conditioning in brave new world?

In "Brave New World," conditioning serves to control and manipulate individuals to conform to society's norms and values. It is used to ensure stability and prevent dissent by shaping people's thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs from a young age through various techniques such as sleep-teaching and hypnopaedia. Conditioning strips individuals of their autonomy and critical thinking, fostering a homogenous and compliant population.

What is a synonym for joyful?

Cheerful, happy, jubilant.

What does Huxley say is the ultimate aim of the leaders of the new world?

Aldous Huxley suggests in "Brave New World" that the ultimate aim of the leaders of the new world is to create a stable society where individuals are conditioned to be happy and content, even if it means sacrificing individuality and freedom. They strive for a perfect balance between happiness and control through manipulating people's desires and behaviors.

How are people conditioned in brave new world?

In "Brave New World," people are conditioned through hypnopaedia (sleep-teaching), societal norms, propaganda, and indoctrination from a young age. The World State controls people's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors through conditioning to ensure compliance and stability in society.

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Will Squirrelflight get banished for lying about having Brambleclaw's kits?

No, but Brambleclaw isn't too happy about it.

Is weak an adjective for sad cowardly happy or brave?

No, sad, cowardly, happy, or brave are not synonyms for weak.Synonyms for the adjective 'weak' are:assailabledebilitateddefenselessdiluteddim (light or sound)feebleflimsyfrailinadequateinaudibleinconclusiveindistinctineffectiveineptlackinglanguidpalepowerlesspunyshakysicklyslightsluggishsubstandardthinuncertainunsoundwantingwatery

Happy is a brave warrior with orange seeds?

Yes. Yes he is.

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brave giveing happy careing

In the book brave new world who wants to be free to be happy in his own way?


What should to do be happy?

I think u mean what should we do to be happy... well, to be happy, just be happy! ^_^

More examples of synonyms?

Happy = Joyful Big = Large Smart = Intelligent Brave = Courageous

How do you connect a wireless controller to the PS2?

Every wireless PlayStation 2 controller comes with a little plug-in receiver because the original controllers were wired but to do this, you have to plug your receiver into the controller port, then put AAA batteries in your controller, non-rechargeable ones are better because they have a longer life. Then you turn your joystick on, on most wireless controllers for PlayStation 2, the switch is found on the back above the battery cover,then a red light should come on both the joystick and the receiver. HAPPY PLAYING

Why does the controller say they should be happy with the situation?

The controller may believe that the situation could have been worse and that there are still positive aspects to focus on. They may also want to encourage a positive attitude and acceptance of the current circumstances to maintain morale and productivity. Additionally, it could be a way to foster contentment and gratitude among those involved.

what are some character traits of Nathan hale?

sober, happy, spy, brave, and love of learning.

What are some of Anne Frank's qualities?

She is stubborn, curious, brave, and happy

Do Jews have to be happy?

Everyone should be happy!