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RM Dworkin believes that social justice is more important than individual justice because he argues that individuals are intrinsically connected to society and thus societal structures must ensure fair and equal treatment for all members in order to achieve justice. He also believes that social justice leads to a more cohesive and equitable society as a whole, benefiting everyone in the long run.

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Q: Why does RM Dworkin favor social justice over individual justice?
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What are the fundamental tenets of humanism?

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that focuses on the value and agency of human beings, emphasizing rationality, compassion, and the importance of critical thinking and education. It promotes individual freedoms and human rights, and rejects supernatural beliefs in favor of a naturalistic worldview and scientific inquiry. Humanism encourages empathy, social justice, and the pursuit of human flourishing through reason and ethical living.

What best describes the differences in ideas between Thomas Hobbes and John Locke?

Hobbes was more in favor of monarchy

What characterizes humanism?

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical approach that emphasizes human values and agency, focusing on reason, ethics, and critical thinking. It prioritizes individual potential, dignity, and flourishing, seeking to work towards the betterment of humanity through promoting freedom, equality, and social justice. Humanism rejects supernatural or religious beliefs in favor of a rational and scientific understanding of the world.

Which best describes the difference in ideas between Thomas Hobbes and John Locke?

Hobbes was more in favor of monarchy.right answer: They had different ideas about the meaning of the social contract.The differnce in ideas between Thomas Hobbes and john Locke can be best described as ideological because Hobbes thinks that mankind is 'self-interested' while Locke thinks that natural law presupposes that all humans are created equal and independent.

Is Athena nice?

Athena is often portrayed as wise, strategic, and fair, rather than simply "nice." She values intelligence, bravery, and justice, and she can be helpful to those who seek her guidance and favor.

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