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the guy and he want to make out with a man so he wanted a big one so he could lick it

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Lelia Bernier

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Swift believes his proposal is superior because it addresses the root cause of poverty in Ireland by proposing a solution that not only provides economic benefits but also reduces the burden on the poor and benefits society as a whole. He argues that his proposal is more logical, practical, and realistic compared to other proposals that focus on ineffective solutions or fail to address the underlying issues. Additionally, Swift uses satire to highlight the absurdity of existing proposals and to provoke critical thinking about the plight of the impoverished in Ireland.

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Q: Why doe swift feel that his proposal is superior to others that have been put forward?
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Why does swift feel that his proposal is superior to other that have been put forward?

Swift feels that his proposal is superior because he believes it is straightforward, practical, and would quickly address the issues of poverty and overpopulation. He argues that his proposal is cost-effective, ethical, and would benefit both the poor and the wealthy in society by reducing socioeconomic disparities.

Why does swift feel that his proposal is superior to others that have been put forward?

Swift's proposal in "A Modest Proposal" is written satirically to expose the hypocrisy of the ruling class and their failure to address poverty in Ireland. He exaggerates the absurdity of his proposal to highlight the indifference of the wealthy towards the suffering of the poor. In doing so, Swift critiques other proposals that offer simplistic or ineffective solutions to the poverty problem, arguing that his proposal forces readers to confront the harsh reality of the situation.

When was A Modest Proposal created?

"A Modest Proposal" was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729.

The narrator of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal is?

The narrator of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal is an unnamed persona that presents a satirical argument suggesting that the poor Irish should sell their children as food to the wealthy. Through this persona, Swift critiques the British government's mistreatment of the Irish people.

In a Modest proposal what are three advantages Jonathan Swift claims for his proposal?

Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" suggests that his proposal can reduce the number of poor families burdened by children, provide economic benefits by selling babies as a commodity, and alleviate overpopulation and the strain on resources in Ireland.

Related questions

Why does swift feel that his proposal is superior to other that have been put forward?

Swift feels that his proposal is superior because he believes it is straightforward, practical, and would quickly address the issues of poverty and overpopulation. He argues that his proposal is cost-effective, ethical, and would benefit both the poor and the wealthy in society by reducing socioeconomic disparities.

Why does swift feel that his proposal is superior to others that have been put forward?

Swift's proposal in "A Modest Proposal" is written satirically to expose the hypocrisy of the ruling class and their failure to address poverty in Ireland. He exaggerates the absurdity of his proposal to highlight the indifference of the wealthy towards the suffering of the poor. In doing so, Swift critiques other proposals that offer simplistic or ineffective solutions to the poverty problem, arguing that his proposal forces readers to confront the harsh reality of the situation.

Who will the primary consumers of human flesh's according to Swift proposal in the story Swift proposal?

rich people

What language did Jonathan Swift use in a modest proposal?

Jonathan Swift wrote "A Modest Proposal" in English.

When was A Modest Proposal created?

"A Modest Proposal" was written by Jonathan Swift in 1729.

Who wrote the modest proposal?

Jonathan Swift.

Why did swift title is work a modest proposal?

Jonathan Swift titled his work "A Modest Proposal" as a satirical and ironic play on words. Despite the proposal being outlandish and shocking, Swift presents it with a tone of seriousness and reasonableness, highlighting the absurdity of the situation. The title serves to draw attention to the social and economic issues that Swift criticizes in his work.

The narrator of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal is?

The narrator of Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal is an unnamed persona that presents a satirical argument suggesting that the poor Irish should sell their children as food to the wealthy. Through this persona, Swift critiques the British government's mistreatment of the Irish people.

Is Jonathan Swift serious about his proposal?

Johnathan Swift was an Anglo Irish satirist, essayist, poet and cleric. He was probably the foremost prose artist in the English Languare. As such, any proposal made by Johnathan Swift has to be taken seriously

In a Modest proposal what are three advantages Jonathan Swift claims for his proposal?

Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" suggests that his proposal can reduce the number of poor families burdened by children, provide economic benefits by selling babies as a commodity, and alleviate overpopulation and the strain on resources in Ireland.

When Jonathan Swift says that his proposal is solid and real of no expense and little trouble he is using?

irony, as Swift's proposal in "A Modest Proposal" is actually outlandish and unrealistic, suggesting that people should eat children as a solution to poverty in Ireland. His statement is meant to highlight the absurdity of his proposal and to provoke thought on the harsh realities of poverty and social injustice.

In A Modest Proposal Swift uses a fictional narrator to?
