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they took it over because of of its minerals /natural reasources and also to gain wealth

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8mo ago

Portugal colonized Angola primarily for economic reasons, including exploiting its resources such as gold, ivory, and later on, slaves. Additionally, Portugal sought to establish trade routes and expand its influence in Africa during the period of colonization. Angola was also seen as a strategic location for Portugal to control and secure its interests along the coast of West Africa.

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Why did Angola take over?

they took it over because of of its minerals /natural reasources and also to gain wealth

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How long did the Portuguese rule over Angola?

Portugal's presence in Angola lasted almost 500 years. Portugal first established relations with the area in 1483. During the 16th century Portugal gained control through a series of treaties and wars. The Dutch briefly gained control from 1641 to 1648. On October 20, 1951 the area in question became the Overseas Province of Angola [Provincia Ultramarina de Angola]. On November 11, 1975, Angola gained independence and became known as 'A República de Angola' ['Republic of Angola'].

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how to say welcome to angola in angola language?

In Angola, the official language is Portuguese, so you would typically say Bem-vindo a Angola to mean Welcome to Angola.

Who runs Angola?

Most of the people run Angola. Angola is a republic with a president.