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Native Americans were often coerced or forced to live in missions in order to be converted to Christianity and assimilated into Spanish colonial society. They were promised protection, food, and shelter in exchange for their labor on the mission lands. Many were also seeking refuge from the violence and diseases brought by European settlers.

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Q: Why did native Americans choose to live in a mission in san francisco de asis?
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Why was the san gabriel mission built?

The San Gabriel Mission was built by Spanish missionaries to spread Christianity to the indigenous people living in the area. It served as a center for converting Native Americans to Catholicism and also provided a base for agricultural and economic activities.

One what is the main idea of the other three which is the main idea?

Spaniards changed the culture of native Americans

What did soldiers do in san gabriel mission?

Soldiers stationed at the San Gabriel Mission in California during the Spanish colonial period were responsible for protecting the mission and its inhabitants from potential attacks by hostile Native American tribes or other outside threats. They also helped maintain order and enforce Spanish laws within the mission community. Additionally, soldiers provided labor for construction projects and assisted in the day-to-day operations of the mission.

What did both Samoset and Squanto accomplish and the effects of their actions on the Pilgrims?

Samoset, an Abenaki leader, introduced himself to the Pilgrims in English and helped establish peaceful relations between the Pilgrims and Native Americans. Squanto, a Patuxet man, taught the Pilgrims how to plant crops and fish, which helped them survive in the new land. Their actions were crucial in building alliances and fostering cooperation between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans, leading to mutual aid and survival.

What did Tecumseh learn about the white men?

Tecumseh learned that the white men were expanding and encroaching on Native American lands, leading to the loss of traditional territories and way of life for his people. He also learned that the white men were not to be trusted in agreements or treaties.

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Why did Native Americans choose to live in mission?

the spanish attaced the natives americans

What did the padres at missions san Francisco teach the Indians?

Once they converted the mission Native Americans they taught the Catholic religion. Basically the mission system kept the Native Americans at the missions as slaves. They couldn't leave the mission and historians have found mass graves of Native Americans.

When did the native Americans eat at mission San Francisco?

they ate at 6 12 3 and 7

What happened to the Native Americans at mission San Francisco Solano after it closed down?

they all left

When mission san Rafael archangel was founded?

The Mission San Rafael Archangel was founded in 1817 as a medical sub-mission of the MIssion San Francisco de Asis. It was a hospital originally intended to treat sick Native Americans in the Bay Area of San Francisco.

How many native Americans lived at mission santa cruz?

1,2450 native americans

What did native Americans eat at the mission?

The Native Americans eat plants and steak when they are at the mission called Mission San Juan Capistrano.

Why did the native Americans choose to live in the missions?

because the native Americans wanted to

How Native Americans live in mission 4?

i need to know how native Americans live in mission4

How did the san francisco system affect Indian's way of life?

I assume you are asking about the mission system. All the 21 missions had Native Americans working and living on mission grounds. When the converted they weren't allowed to leave the mission and life for them was not good. They were often beaten, killed, and the women raped by the soldiers guarding the mission. Historians have found mass graves at the missions of Native Americans.

What country Francisco Pizarro related with Native Americans?

The country related with Pizarro and the Native Americans is Spain.

What is the mission in Los Angeles?

the mission was to convert native americans into christans