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4mo ago

Population distribution varies based on factors such as geography, climate, resources, economic opportunities, and historical events. Places with fertile land, mild climates, abundant resources, and economic opportunities tend to be more crowded, while regions with harsh conditions or limited resources are often less densely populated. Historical events like colonization, wars, and political instability can also influence population patterns.

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Q: Why are some places on the earth crowed and others empty?
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What is a metaphor for an empty classroom?

an eopty classroom is being alone in a haunted house

What does it mean when someone says The empty vessel makes the greatest sound?

This phrase suggests that people who lack substance or knowledge often speak the most and are the loudest. It implies that those who are truly knowledgeable or competent do not need to boast or draw attention to themselves.

How full is a glass that is half empty?

Half full. If you look at it as just a glass with water in it then that's what it is. If you put meaning into it then the glass will always be completely full. How full do you want your glass?

Is your glass half full or half empty or is your glass ALWAYS full?

By Haurn Mo. It depends on your perception. If the glass was already empty and you starting filling it up but stoped halfway, the glass is half full, If you started drink it but stoped halfway, the glass is half empty.

Essay Empty vessels make the most sound?

Empty Vessels make the MOST sound!Suppose, when we will water in an empty vessel and strike it with something, it makes less noise. But when we strike and empty vessel, it makes more noise as compared to the empty one. Such is referred to our human lives. The people who are ignored and are foolish boast off more than clever people. People, who are intelligent, believe that they need to gain more knowledge and no matter what amount of knowledge they gain, they need more. Clever people don't speak but listen to other people and keep silent until they are asked something. But foolish people always speak more than they know when actually they don't know anything! Intelligent people have water of intelligence filled in the pots of their brains but foolish people have no water and but have empty pots of brains. That is why they want to show off more and more to people to gain their attention. But intelligent people just keep on gaining knowledge and don't try to point their views in all matters. Thus, it is said that Empty vessels as in empty headed people make more noise that is boast off more.

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The reason why the population is so unevenly distributed is because people tend to live in areas that are favorable for settlement. Also because some people are crowed with people, while some others are empty

When was Empty Places created?

Empty Places was created on 2003-04-29.

Why are some places on the earth crowded and other places empty?

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The reason why the population is so unevenly distributed is because people tend to live in areas that are favorable for settlement. Also because some people are crowed with people, while some others are empty

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Buffy the Vampire Slayer - 1997 Empty Places 7-19 is rated/received certificates of: Germany:16 USA:TV-PG

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