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The French man who stated that actors must play from thought was Francois Delsarte, a renowned 19th-century French actor and acting theorist. Delsarte emphasized the importance of expressing emotions and intentions through the body and gestures to convey believable performances on stage. His ideas and techniques influenced many acting and performance styles in the later years.

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What did Aristoe say must be true for a play to have a tragedy?

Aristotle stated that for a play to be a tragedy, it must have a protagonist of noble stature who experiences a downfall due to a tragic flaw in their character, such as hubris. Additionally, the play must evoke feelings of pity and fear in the audience through the protagonist's suffering.

What is in role thought?

Role thought, also known as role theory, is a sociological concept that explores how individuals define their own identity based on the roles they occupy in society. It suggests that people's behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes are shaped by the roles they play, such as parent, student, or employee. Role thought examines the interactions between individuals and the expectations associated with their roles.

Who said 'Hell is Other People'?

The phrase "Hell is other people" is attributed to French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. It comes from his play "No Exit" ("Huis Clos" in French) where it is a central theme exploring the dynamics of human relationships and existentialist philosophy.

Which did Aristotle say must be true for a play to be tragedy?

Aristotle believed that a tragedy must have a protagonist who experiences a reversal of fortune due to their own tragic flaw, leading to their downfall. This reversal of fortune must evoke pity and fear in the audience, resulting in a catharsis or purging of emotions.

what is a chorus in a Shakespearean play?

In a Shakespearean play, a chorus is a group of actors who speak, sing, or dance together to provide commentary, summarize important events, or set the scene for the audience. The chorus serves to enhance the storytelling and engage the audience through their collective performance.

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The cast of No Pay Must Play - 2013 includes: Cy Cho as Manager Albert Kong as Waiter Penelope Yates as Jessica

What is you play in French?

Play in french is jouer.

What does play mean if french?

to play is 'jouer' in French.

What is the French word that means play?

To play is "jouer" in French.

What is do and play in French?

'do and play' is translated "faire et jouer" in French.

How do you say you play for in french?

The phrase "you play for" is "vous jouez pour" in french.

What is want to play in french?

to want to play is 'vouloir jouer' in French. I want to play = je veux jouer

What was the audience like at the global theatre when shakespeare performed?

The audience would be nothing like the audiences in the plays nowadays. The Jacobeans would talk throughout the whole play, and even shout out lines that they thought the actors should use in their monologue. If the play was bad, they would throw rotten fruit at them, and mock the actors if they were bad actors.

How do you say play but in past in French?

jouer is the translation in French. This is the translation of the word play.