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Socrates is the Greek philosopher who was sentenced to death by drinking hemlock in 399 BC for allegedly corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety towards the gods.

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Q: Who was the Greek philosopher committed suicide for corrupting the youth of Athens?
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Which philosopher was sent to death for corrupting the youth of Athens?

Socrates was the philosopher who was sentenced to death for corrupting the youth of Athens. He was charged with impiety and introducing new deities.

Who was a famous philosopher from Athens who closely examined and questioned Greek laws?

Socrates was an Ancient Athenian philosopher who openly criticised the system. He was accused of corrupting the youth of Athens. His sentence was death by suicide - he was forced to drink hemlock.

Which philosopher was condemed to death for corrupting the youth of Athens?

Socrates :D

Which philosopher was condemned to death for ''corrupting the youth of Athens'' and ''neglecting the city's gods''?

Socrates was condemned to death in ancient Athens for corrupting the youth of the city and neglecting its gods. He was found guilty of impiety and introducing new deities.

Which famous greek philosopher was forced to drink poison?

Socrates was the famous Greek philosopher who was forced to drink poison, specifically hemlock, as a result of his conviction for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens.

Who was the pholosopher who died off of drinking hemlock?

Socrates was the philosopher who died by drinking hemlock. He was sentenced to death by the Athenian court for corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety.

The unexamined life is not worth living - who said this?

This quote is attributed to the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. He said this during his trial for impiety and corrupting the youth in Athens.

Who was executed for corrupting the youth of Athens?

Socrates was executed for corrupting the youth of Athens. He was charged with impiety and corrupting the youth, leading to his conviction and sentencing to death by drinking poison (hemlock).

The philosopher Socrates was executed for?

The philosopher Socrates was executed for corrupting the youth of Athens and impiety, or disrespecting the gods. He was charged with encouraging critical thinking and questioning of authority, which was seen as a threat to the established beliefs and values of the society at the time.

Which Greek philosopher was put to death with a poison made hemlock?

Socrates was the Greek philosopher who was put to death by drinking poison hemlock. He was sentenced to death in 399 BC in Athens after being found guilty of corrupting the youth and impiety.

Which greek philosopher chose to drink poison instead of being exiled from Athens?

Socrates chose to drink poison (hemlock) as his punishment for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens. He believed it was the right thing to do rather than live in exile.

Which greek philopher was sentenced to death for his teachings by the governments of Athens?

Socrates was the Greek philosopher who was sentenced to death by the government of Athens. He was charged with corrupting the youth of the city and impiety. Socrates chose to drink hemlock rather than flee Athens or compromise his beliefs.