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Rene Descrates

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René Descartes famously stated "Cogito, ergo sum" or "I think, therefore I am." This idea encapsulates his philosophical skepticism, suggesting that everything should be doubted until proven by reason. Descartes sought to establish a foundation of knowledge that was beyond doubt through his method of radical doubt and skepticism.

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Q: Who stated that everything should be doubted until proven by reason?
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What manner of inquiry did René Descartes advocate?

René Descartes advocated for methodical doubt in inquiry, where one should critically examine all beliefs and only accept those that can be proven with certainty through clear and distinct ideas. He emphasized the importance of starting from a position of skepticism and building knowledge through reason and logic.

What did Rizal meant about Faith should be guided by reason?

Rizal believed that faith should not contradict reason, but rather, they should complement each other. He advocated for a balance between faith and reason, where one's beliefs are not blindly accepted but are thoughtfully examined and understood through rational thinking. This approach promotes a deeper and more meaningful understanding of one's faith.

Who believed that nothing should be proven to be true?

Pyrrho of Elis, a Greek philosopher from the 4th century BCE, believed in skepticism and the idea that nothing can be proven to be true. He argued that one could attain peace of mind by suspending judgment and accepting that the truth cannot be known definitively.

What did Aristotle believe that people should govern their lives with?

Aristotle believed that people should govern their lives with reason and virtue. He argued that living a virtuous life, guided by reason and moderation, would lead to happiness and fulfillment.

What did Aristotle believe that people should use to govern their lives?

Aristotle believed that people should use reason and virtuous character to govern their lives. He argued that individuals should aim for a balance between extremes, or the "golden mean," in their actions and decisions in order to achieve happiness and lead a good life.

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ya it is possible ,i can say this because nothing is impossible ,so on that basis i say this.But there is no need to be insecure without proper reason because everything in this world have some reason for that to exist ,there is a reason that why we are living in this world ,so similarly there should be a reason for having insecure feelings.

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