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This quote is from Euripides, a Greek tragedian. The full quote is "When guilt is in the air, the gods will visit the sins of the fathers upon their sons."

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Q: Who said the gods will visit the sins of the fathers upon their sons?
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What is the definition of the SAID principle?

The SAID principle stands for Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demand. It suggests that the body will adapt specifically to the demands placed on it during training. This means that training must be tailored to the specific goal or skill that is being targeted in order to see optimal improvements.

Why do we refer to slavery as one of the human kind's worst sins?

Slavery is considered one of humanity's worst sins because it involves the exploitation and dehumanization of individuals, stripping them of their basic rights and dignity. It also perpetuates systems of oppression and inequality that have lasting impacts on societies and individuals. The legacy of slavery continues to affect people around the world, highlighting the need to recognize and address its profound moral implications.

What mythical place is the Chinese hell?

The Chinese hell is known as Diyu. It is believed to be a subterranean maze with different layers where the souls of the dead are judged and punished according to their sins in their past lives.

What did the friars say before Rizal was executed?

Before Rizal was executed, the friars forgave him for his alleged sins and suggested that he retract his writings against the church and the Spanish government in order to obtain absolution.

What does proverbs 16 24 mean?

Proverbs 24:16For a just man falleth seven times, andriseth up again: but the wicked shall fall into mischief.It is talking about baptism and taking on the name of Christ and repenting of sins and enduring through life as a follower of Christ. ANSWER The righteous man falls, he fails, he sins; but he always repents, corrects his ways, and gets back up. For the current church age, its a testament of those who are truly Christians, born again, that have Christs righteousness in their new nature, their new man. It causes the believer, who sins, who fails and falls to become convicted of their sin by the Holy Spirit, and to repent of the sin, and get back up to follow after Christ again. Its a proof of salvation. All sin, the believer still has his old nature intact along with his new nature, and at times he listens to the old nature, and as a result he sins, but becomes convicted by the Holy Spirit, repents, and gets back right with God. The wicked, who God classifies us all of before salvation, in our natural state, have a promised end of mischief That is accumulating consequence in this life, the result of our sins, that gain a stronger hold on us over time with increasing bad consequence and finally when we die, without Christ, we suffer the eternal consequence of the Judgement of God, the consequence of rejecting Christ's free gift of salvation to us in this life.

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What does the gods visit the sins of the fathers upon their sons mean?

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