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Albert Einstein did.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 2mo ago

Albert Einstein is often attributed to this quote. It serves as a reminder of the importance of honesty in all aspects of life, as it reflects our character and integrity.

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Q: Who said 'Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters'?
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How does eurymachus react to mentor?

Eurymachus reacts to Mentor with politeness and respect, as Mentor is a trusted advisor and friend in the Odyssey. Eurymachus values Mentor's wisdom and guidance, seeking his counsel on important matters.

What is the closest synonym for the word believed?

The closest synonym for the word "believed" is "trusted" or "accepted."

Why are the senses not to be trusted according to Descartes?

Descartes believed that the senses are not to be trusted because they can sometimes deceive us. He argued that illusions, dreams, and other sensory experiences can lead us to false perceptions of reality. Since our senses can be unreliable, Descartes advocated for relying on reason and intellect to arrive at truth.

What philosopher believed that only what can be seen clearly and disticntly should be trusted?

The philosopher who believed that only what can be seen clearly and distinctly should be trusted is RenΓ© Descartes. He emphasized the importance of skepticism and rational doubt in order to arrive at knowledge that is certain and indubitable. Descartes famously stated, "Cogito, ergo sum" ("I think, therefore I am") as the foundation of his epistemology.

Why does he think tiresias has a special responsibilty to help the citty?

Tiresias is seen as having a special responsibility to help the city because he possesses the gift of prophecy and insight. His ability to see the future and understand the will of the gods is considered crucial for guiding the city in times of crisis or uncertainty. Additionally, his wisdom and experience make him a trusted advisor for important decisions that affect the well-being of the community.

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The phrase "little things mean a lot" is not a direct quote from the Bible, but the Bible does emphasize the value of small acts of kindness and faith. In Luke 16:10, Jesus teaches that whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, highlighting the importance of being faithful in small matters.

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Friar Laurence will likely send a message to Romeo using a messenger or a trusted intermediary. He may also arrange a secret meeting with Romeo at a predetermined location to discuss important matters.

How does eurymachus react to mentor?

Eurymachus reacts to Mentor with politeness and respect, as Mentor is a trusted advisor and friend in the Odyssey. Eurymachus values Mentor's wisdom and guidance, seeking his counsel on important matters.

Why is tiberius important?

Because he was one of the trusted roman leaders

What is a trusted adult?

an adult that you can trust to talk to about important stuff.

What is a person called in whom you Confide?

A person in whom you confide is often referred to as a confidant or a trusted friend.

How do you use the word trusted in a sentence?

I trusted him. I trusted her. I trusted my brother. I trusted by sister. I trusted my uncle. I trusted my aunt. I trusted my pet. I trusted the teacher. I trusted the principal. I trusted my friend. I trusted everyone. Pretty easy.

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Google Authorship is not most important for ranking, but it help users know that the author is a trusted one.

Is cheap eye surgery to be trusted?

Cheap eye surgery should probably not be trusted. Anything cheap will have its flaws, and when dealing with something as important as a person's vision and sight, they can never be too careful.

Whom did kublai khan to fill important government position?

Other Mongols that he trusted and some Mongols were his relatives.

Why is important be on time?

It tells me three things. 1) you are organized 2) your word can be trusted 3) you are respectful of my time

Whom did kublai choose to fill important government position?

Other Mongols that he trusted and some Mongols were his relatives.