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Peace Symbol Created (1958); In 1958, British artist Gerald Holtom drew a circle with three lines inside, intending the design to be a symbol for the Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War (DAC). The design incorporates a circle with the lines within it representing the simplified positions of two semaphore letters (the system of using flags to send information great distances, such as from ship to ship). The letters "N" and "D" were used to represent "nuclear disarmament." (The "N" is formed by a person holding a flag in each hand and then pointing them toward the ground at a 45 degree angle. The "D" is formed by holding one flag straight down and one straight up.)

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10mo ago

The peace sign was popularized by designer Gerald Holtom in 1958 as a symbol for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. It combines the semaphore letters for "N" and "D", standing for nuclear disarmament. While Holtom is often credited with creating the peace sign, the concept of using symbols for peace dates back centuries.

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It depends on your age, for kids ages 3- 11 , peace signs are very big in fashion. If you are a teenager or an adult, peace signs are not in fashion. EXCEPT JEWELERY! peace sign jewelry is still in fashion!

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yes peace signs are so awesome the are the bestREMEMBER HAVE PEACE!!!!!!!!!!!Yes although I prefer the dove which symbolises peace