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Education I'm right peanut buter boy is wrong I go to Eastlake middle school Mr. SG history class

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Charlemagne cared deeply about his empire and expanding its territories, as well as about Christianity and spreading its influence. He also valued education and promoted scholarship during his reign.

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Q: Who did Charlemagne care deeply about?
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What is Charlemagne's favorite color?

its a long story.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................periodjuicecolor

Did Charlemagne kill his sons?

There is no historical evidence to suggest that Charlemagne killed his sons. Charlemagne was known for his efforts to ensure a peaceful succession by dividing his empire among his sons and setting up a system of co-rulership.

Was Pippin the son of Charlemagne?

Yes, Pippin the Hunchback was the son of Charlemagne, the famous Frankish king and ruler of the Carolingian Empire. Pippin the Hunchback was the eldest son of Charlemagne but was later removed from the line of succession due to his physical disability.

Where did Charlemagne go to school?

Charlemagne did not formally attend school. He received his education from private tutors and advisors at his father's court.

What was Charlemagne's relationship with the Saxons?

Charlemagne had a tumultuous relationship with the Saxons, as they resisted his efforts to Christianize them and integrate them into his empire. The conflict culminated in the thirty-year Saxon Wars, during which Charlemagne used military force to subdue and convert the Saxons to Christianity. After their defeat, the Saxons eventually became part of Charlemagne's Frankish Empire.

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Only if the person you are avenging is someone you deeply care about.

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