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A. People wanted to end democratic governments. B. People looked to science to improve life. C. People decided that formal education was no longer necessary. D. People hoped to find a less complex way of life.

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Rickie Glover

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2y ago
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4mo ago

The Enlightenment led to a shift towards using reason, science, and logic to understand the world. It accelerated the spread of ideas about individual rights, government by consent, and the separation of church and state, providing the foundation for modern democratic societies.

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Q: Which was result of the enlightenment?
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What came to be valued more highly as a result of Enlightenment thinking?

Reason, individual rights, freedom of speech, and the importance of science and rationality became highly valued as a result of Enlightenment thinking.

When enlightenment thinkers question traditional ideas why was the result?

The result of Enlightenment thinkers questioning traditional ideas was the advancement of new beliefs based on reason, science, and individualism. This period in history, known as the Age of Enlightenment, encouraged critical thinking and the challenging of old doctrines, leading to the emergence of new philosophical, political, and scientific principles that continue to shape our modern world.

When in enlightenment thinkers question traditional ideas what was the result?

The result of Enlightenment thinkers questioning traditional ideas was the advancement of reasoning and critical thinking. This led to the spread of new ideas and the promotion of individual rights, democracy, and scientific inquiry, ultimately shaping the modern world.

Based on your knowledge of social studies which of the following came to be valued more highly as a result of Enlightenment thinking?

Individual rights and freedoms came to be valued more highly as a result of Enlightenment thinking, particularly the ideas of liberty, equality, and democracy. The Enlightenment emphasized the importance of human reason and rational thinking, leading to movements advocating for civil liberties, human rights, and the rule of law.

When enlightenment thinkers questioned traditional ideas what the result?

When Enlightenment thinkers questioned traditional ideas, what was the result?Answer: They began to use reason and knowledge to explain beliefs.

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When enlightenment thinkers questioned traditionals what was the result?

When Enlightenment thinkers questioned traditional ideas, what was the result?Answer: They began to use reason and knowledge to explain beliefs.

When enlightenment thinkers questioned traditional ideas was the result?

When Enlightenment thinkers questioned traditional ideas, what was the result?Answer: They began to use reason and knowledge to explain beliefs.

How did the arts change as the result of the enlightenment?

many ways

What came to be valued more highly as a result of Enlightenment thinking?

Reason, individual rights, freedom of speech, and the importance of science and rationality became highly valued as a result of Enlightenment thinking.

What way are innovations in technology and forms of government alike?

they both came about as a result of the enlightenment

In what way are innovations in technology and forms of government alike?

they both came about as a result of the enlightenment

How were Prussia Austria and Russia affect by enlightenment thinkers?

As a result of enlightenment thinkers, changes in the government of Prussia Austria and Russia were more readily accepted. The public had learned to deal with changes better.

What was the result of the middle classes knowledge of the ideas of the enlightenment?

People were started to learn to read by characters

What was the result of the middle class knowledge of the ideas of the Enlightenment?

People were started to learn to read by characters

What was the result of the middle class's knowledge of the ideas of the enlightenment?

People were started to learn to read by characters

When enlightenment thinkers question traditional ideas why was the result?

The result of Enlightenment thinkers questioning traditional ideas was the advancement of new beliefs based on reason, science, and individualism. This period in history, known as the Age of Enlightenment, encouraged critical thinking and the challenging of old doctrines, leading to the emergence of new philosophical, political, and scientific principles that continue to shape our modern world.

When in enlightenment thinkers question traditional ideas what was the result?

The result of Enlightenment thinkers questioning traditional ideas was the advancement of reasoning and critical thinking. This led to the spread of new ideas and the promotion of individual rights, democracy, and scientific inquiry, ultimately shaping the modern world.