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Poe uses "The Raven" in his 1846 essay, "The Philosophy of Composition," in order to explain how he believes gifted writers create their best work. He states that writing "The Raven" was extremely logical and planned out, directly contrasting the burst of creativity that some writers had claimed experiencing before writing a good piece.

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Poe uses his poem "The Raven" to explain his philosophy of composition in an essay by the same name. In the essay, he discusses the careful and calculated approach he took in writing "The Raven," outlining his belief in the importance of achieving unity of effect in a work of literature.

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Where would you find persuasive writing?

You would find persuasive writing in various forms of communication such as advertisements, political speeches, opinion pieces, and marketing materials. The purpose of persuasive writing is to convince an audience to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a specific action.

What concept ethos pathos or logos do you need to develop the most in your writing?

It depends on the purpose of your writing. For persuasive writing, developing ethos (credibility) and logos (logic) is crucial to build trust and support your argument. For emotional or storytelling pieces, pathos (emotion) is important to connect with your readers on a deeper level.

How did philosophy evolve into a distinct discipline of study?

Philosophy evolved into a distinct discipline of study through the contributions of ancient Greek thinkers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, who laid the foundation for systematic inquiry into fundamental questions about existence, ethics, knowledge, and reality. Over time, other cultures and individuals built upon these foundations, leading to the development of various philosophical traditions and schools of thought that continue to shape the field of philosophy today.

These are the facts or details that back up a main idea theme or thesis?

Supporting details are pieces of information that provide evidence or justification for a main idea, theme, or thesis. They help to strengthen and validate the argument or point being made by offering specific examples, data, or explanations. Supporting details are essential to developing a comprehensive and persuasive piece of writing.

How do philosophers try to bridge the gap between science and philosophy?

Philosophers bridge the gap between science and philosophy by studying the nature of scientific inquiry, exploring the implications of scientific findings for philosophical issues, and examining the philosophical assumptions that underlie scientific practices. They aim to create a dialogue between the two disciplines, seeking areas of convergence and mutual enrichment.

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