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The pact of the enlightenment that was most important was the impact it had on today's legal codes and governmental structures. Without the Enlightenment, many countries would not exist today, including the United States.

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One of the most important impacts of the Enlightenment was the promotion of reason, individualism, and skepticism in challenging traditional authority and promoting democratic ideals. This laid the foundation for the modern concepts of liberty, equality, and human rights.

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Q: Which impact of the enlightenment is most important?
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Which impact of the enlightenment do you consider most important why?

One of the most important impacts of the Enlightenment was the promotion of individual rights and freedoms. This movement emphasized the importance of individual autonomy, equality, and liberty, which helped to shape modern democratic societies and inspire movements for social justice and human rights.

The Enlightenment started in what country?

The Enlightenment began in Europe, with France being one of the key countries where ideas and philosophies of the Enlightenment flourished. Other important countries where the Enlightenment had an impact include England, Scotland, and Germany.

Who of the enlightenment philosopher had the most impact on democracy?

John Locke is often considered one of the Enlightenment philosophers with the most impact on democracy. His ideas of natural rights, social contract, and limited government influenced the development of democratic principles and laid the foundation for modern democratic systems.

What was the most important idea of the enlightenment?

The most important idea of the Enlightenment was the belief in reason, rationality, and the power of human intellect to improve society. This era emphasized individual rights, freedom of thought, and the importance of scientific inquiry and critical thinking.

is meditation the most important work to enlightenment?

Meditation is a powerful tool for achieving enlightenment, but it is not the only path. Other practices such as self-reflection, mindfulness, and selfless service can also contribute to spiritual growth and realization. Ultimately, the most important work towards enlightenment is finding the practice that resonates with you and committing to it wholeheartedly.

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Which impact of the Enlightenment do you consider most important?

Turn around bend over spell Run. (R.U.N)

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John Locke

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Which impact of the enlightenment do you consider most important why?

One of the most important impacts of the Enlightenment was the promotion of individual rights and freedoms. This movement emphasized the importance of individual autonomy, equality, and liberty, which helped to shape modern democratic societies and inspire movements for social justice and human rights.

The Enlightenment started in what country?

The Enlightenment began in Europe, with France being one of the key countries where ideas and philosophies of the Enlightenment flourished. Other important countries where the Enlightenment had an impact include England, Scotland, and Germany.

What statement describes the thinking of the Enlightenment?

the power of reason is the most important.

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Nothing is more important in zen than awakening (kensho, satori, enlightenment). This may be understood as liberation from the incessant stream of thoughts. .

Who of the enlightenment philosopher had the most impact on democracy?

John Locke is often considered one of the Enlightenment philosophers with the most impact on democracy. His ideas of natural rights, social contract, and limited government influenced the development of democratic principles and laid the foundation for modern democratic systems.

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The most important impact is the UV reaching us. These can alter my DNA's.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau's ideas were most important to which movement?

The Enlightenment

What was the most important idea of the enlightenment?

The most important idea of the Enlightenment was the belief in reason, rationality, and the power of human intellect to improve society. This era emphasized individual rights, freedom of thought, and the importance of scientific inquiry and critical thinking.

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