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john Locke advocated for a limited monarchy, where the power of the monarch is restrained by a constitution or laws agreed upon by the people. He believed in the idea of a social contract between the ruler and the ruled, with power being subject to the consent of the governed.

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Q: Which enlightenment thinker wanted a limited monarchy?
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What were the goals of the Enlightenment Revolution?

The goals of the Enlightenment Revolution were to promote reason, individualism, and secularism. It sought to challenge the authority of traditional institutions such as the Church and monarchy and promote ideas of freedom, equality, and progress.

Which of these statements is falseThe Enlightenment was based on the concept that people could use reason to find happiness?

The statement is not false. The Enlightenment was indeed based on the idea that reason could help individuals achieve happiness, by promoting rational thinking, scientific inquiry, and individual freedoms.

What did the enlightenment philosophers believe?

Enlightenment philosophers believed in the power of reason, rationality, and science to improve society and challenge traditional beliefs. They emphasized individual freedom, equality, and separate church-state institutions. Key figures include John Locke, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

What did enlightenment believe?

They believed that every human beings should have their freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. Enlightenment philosophers wanted to have a government of their own and a right to vote. They wanted to overthrow the monarchies. Most importantly, the enlightenment philosophers wanted individual freedom.

Is Jonathan Swift an enlightenment figure in the A Modest Proposal?

Yes, Jonathan Swift is considered an Enlightenment figure for his use of reason and satire in "A Modest Proposal." He criticizes societal issues and uses logic in an exaggerated manner to highlight the absurdity of the situation, making it a quintessential Enlightenment piece.

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Which enlightenment thinker wanted to split power of the government into the tree branches?

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Constitutional monarchy

What or state is an limited monarchy?

limited monarchy iz wen a person doesnt have all the power to do something ex: the teacher wanted to hit a student the princibal stoped hiim

What factors made it difficult to establish a limited monarchy in France between 1789 and 1792?

The Third Estate wanted even more limitations and the Monarch wanted less. The King was wedded to the Ancient Regime and the Third Estate to Enlightenment, They can coexist and the United Kingdom is living proof.

What were the goals of the Enlightenment Revolution?

The goals of the Enlightenment Revolution were to promote reason, individualism, and secularism. It sought to challenge the authority of traditional institutions such as the Church and monarchy and promote ideas of freedom, equality, and progress.

Why did the French Monarchy wanted to move from Paris?

The French Monarchy wanted to move from Paris because they feared for their lives.

The Third Republic had early problems because many people wanted .?

Many people wanted Monarchy

What did the participants in the Decembrist Revolt wanted to establish?

a constitutional monarchy

What did enlightenment philosophers believe?

They believed that every human beings should have their freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. Enlightenment philosophers wanted to have a government of their own and a right to vote. They wanted to overthrow the monarchies. Most importantly, the enlightenment philosophers wanted individual freedom.

What group wanted me people to choose their own system of government?

enlightenment thinkers apex

The Directory did not succeed as a government because?

people either wanted the old monarchy or Jacobian rule. people either wanted the old monarchy or Jacobian rule.