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Q: When was the last time you were incredulous?
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When was the last time you were incredulous What happened to make feel that way?

I am a computer program, so I do not have emotions or the capacity to feel incredulous. If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to ask!

Incredulous in a sentence?

I am incredulous towards the bible.

What is the definition of 'incredulous'?

"Incredulous" means skeptical, unbelieving, or not willing or inclined to believe. For example, "When the manager claimed that his fund had earned 18% interest annually for the last three years, we were incredulous."Sometimes people confuse "incredulous" with "incredible", which means unbelievable, usually in the sense of being amazing, as in an incredible performance or an incredible achievement. One way to remember the difference is that, in general, people are incredulous (doubting) about something, but things(e.g., events, claims, stories) are incredible.

Where would you use the word incredulous?

His response left me incredulous.

What is the root for incredulous?

The root word for incredulous I think is incredible.

How can you do a sentence for incredulous?

I am incredulous that you can't come up with a sentence on your own.

Can you give us a sentence with incredulous in it?

You said you believe me, but your manner is incredulous.

What is another word for incredulous?

A good word to use in place of incredulous is skeptical.

What is the stem for incredulous?

The stem for incredulous is "incredul-", which means not willing or unable to believe something.

What is a sentence that has incredulous in it?

The teacher was incredulous when the student claimed to have read the novel in two hours.

What is a sentence with the word incredulous in it?

She gave an incredulous look when he told her he had won the lottery.

Ow can incredulos be use in a sentence?

The word "incredulous" is a synonym of the word "suspicious. " An example of "incredulous" in a sentence is "Most of the jury was incredulous about the prosecuting attorney handling the case. "