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In his book "The Leviathan", Hobbes always maintained the personal freedoms were to be closely regulated and watched by the state. He stated that "man was the wolf of men".

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Thomas Hobbes believed that individuals should be willing to give up some personal freedoms in exchange for protection and security provided by a strong central authority, typically the government. He argued that without this social contract, life would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" due to human nature being inherently selfish and focused on self-preservation. His ideas emphasized the importance of order and stability in society over individual liberties.

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Q: What were thomas hobbes viewpoints on peoples personal freedoms?
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According to thomas hobbes's concept of social contract what do people exchange for protection by the government?

Hobbes believe people exchange many personal freedoms for government protection

What do people Exchange for protection by the government according to Thomas hobbies concept of social contract?

According to Thomas Hobbes, people exchange some of their individual freedoms and rights for protection and security by the government. This exchange forms the basis of the social contract, where individuals agree to follow the laws and authority of the government in exchange for the maintenance of order and protection of their rights.

Is it true Thomas Hobbes idea of a social contract people agree to give up all freedoms in exchange for the order provided by government rule?

Yes, Thomas Hobbes described the social contract as individuals giving up some freedoms to form a society in which a sovereign authority maintains order and prevents the chaos that would exist in a "state of nature." Hobbes believed that people willingly surrender their freedoms in exchange for the protection and stability provided by the government's rule.

What was Hobbes' idea of the social contract?

Hobbes argued that individuals in a state of nature give up some freedoms to a central authority (the Leviathan) in exchange for protection and the maintenance of order. This social contract forms the basis of a stable society where individuals are willing to relinquish some freedoms for the security provided by a strong government.

According to Thomas Hobbes's concept of the social contract what do people exchange for protection by the government?

In Thomas Hobbes's concept of the social contract, people exchange their individual freedom or certain rights for protection by the government. This exchange allows for the establishment of order and security within society, as individuals agree to give up some of their liberties in exchange for the state's protection of their lives and property.

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According to thomas hobbe's concept of the social contract what do people exchange for protection by the government?

Hobbes believe people exchange many personal freedoms for government protection

According to thomas hobbes's concept of social contract what do people exchange for protection by the government?

Hobbes believe people exchange many personal freedoms for government protection

What do people Exchange for protection by the government according to Thomas hobbies concept of social contract?

According to Thomas Hobbes, people exchange some of their individual freedoms and rights for protection and security by the government. This exchange forms the basis of the social contract, where individuals agree to follow the laws and authority of the government in exchange for the maintenance of order and protection of their rights.

Is it true Thomas Hobbes idea of a social contract people agree to give up all freedoms in exchange for the order provided by government rule?

Yes, Thomas Hobbes described the social contract as individuals giving up some freedoms to form a society in which a sovereign authority maintains order and prevents the chaos that would exist in a "state of nature." Hobbes believed that people willingly surrender their freedoms in exchange for the protection and stability provided by the government's rule.

What was Hobbes' idea of the social contract?

Hobbes argued that individuals in a state of nature give up some freedoms to a central authority (the Leviathan) in exchange for protection and the maintenance of order. This social contract forms the basis of a stable society where individuals are willing to relinquish some freedoms for the security provided by a strong government.

According to Thomas Hobbes's concept of the social contract what do people exchange for protection by the government?

In Thomas Hobbes's concept of the social contract, people exchange their individual freedom or certain rights for protection by the government. This exchange allows for the establishment of order and security within society, as individuals agree to give up some of their liberties in exchange for the state's protection of their lives and property.

What does Hobbes believe?

Hobbes believed in the concept of a social contract, where individuals give up some of their freedoms to a governing authority in exchange for protection and security. He argued that without this authority, society would be in a constant state of war and chaos. Hobbes also believed in the need for a strong central government to maintain order and prevent conflict.

What were Thomas hobbes ideas?

Thomas Hobbes believed in a social contract theory where individuals agree to give up some of their freedoms in exchange for protection and security by a strong central authority. He argued that humans are naturally selfish and competitive, leading to a state of constant war without this social contract. Hobbes believed in a sovereign ruler with absolute power to maintain order and prevent chaos.

Thomas hobbes is most closely associated with what principle?

Thomas Hobbes is most closely associated with the principle of social contract, which suggests that individuals give up certain freedoms and rights in exchange for protection and order provided by a governing authority.

How were hobbes' s and views different?

Hobbes believed that humans are inherently selfish and seek power and dominance, while Rousseau believed that humans are naturally good but corrupted by society. Hobbes advocated for a strong, centralized government to maintain order and prevent chaos, while Rousseau favored a more decentralized, democratic system that prioritized individual freedoms.

Who came up with the theory of the social contract?

The theory of the social contract was first proposed by philosophers like Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. These thinkers explored the idea that individuals give up some personal freedoms in exchange for protection and other benefits from a governing authority.

What were Thomas Hobbes's belief on equality?

Thomas Hobbes believed that all individuals are naturally equal in the state of nature, but this equality leads to a state of constant conflict and war. Thus, he advocated for a social contract where individuals surrender some of their freedoms to a central authority in exchange for protection and security. This central authority, according to Hobbes, helps to maintain peace and prevent chaos.