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Some of the main causes of the Reformation during the Renaissance period were corruption within the Catholic Church, particularly the selling of indulgences, questioning of traditional beliefs due to the rise of Humanism and the printing press making information more accessible, and political disputes between different rulers and the papacy. These factors led to the emergence of reformers like Martin Luther challenging the authority of the Catholic Church and advocating for change.

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Q: What were the causes of reformation during the Renaissance period?
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What types of thinking spread during the renaissance and reformation periods?

Greater value was placed on individual accomplishments. ;)

What Humanism and the Reformation were two distinctive experiences of which German period?

Humanism and the Reformation were two distinctive experiences of the German Renaissance period. Humanism emphasized the value of human reason and intellect, promoting education and cultural achievements. The Reformation, led by Martin Luther, focused on reforming the Catholic Church and led to the establishment of Protestantism in Germany.

How did Desiderius Erasmus influence the Renaissance?

Desiderius Erasmus was a Dutch humanist who played a key role in the Renaissance by advocating for the study of classical literature and promoting humanist ideas. He emphasized the importance of education, critical thinking, and scholarly research, which helped stimulate intellectual and cultural developments during the Renaissance period. His works also critiqued corruption within the Catholic Church, contributing to the Reformation movement.

How did the reformation influence the enlightenment?

The Reformation laid the groundwork for religious tolerance and freedom of thought, which influenced Enlightenment thinkers to challenge traditional beliefs and authority. The emphasis on individualism and critical thinking during the Enlightenment was, in part, a reaction to the religious dogma of the Reformation period.

What were some major issues during the renaissance?

Some major issues during the Renaissance included political conflicts among city-states and monarchs, religious tensions stemming from the Protestant Reformation, economic disparities leading to social unrest, and challenges to traditional beliefs and authority. These issues had profound effects on the development of art, literature, and society during this period.

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The Renaissance

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Gregorian chants were not a popular form during the Renaissance period.

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This movement was made possible by the Reformation of the Church, a decline in Conservatism, the work of individuals such as Andreas Vesalius and William Harvey and technological advances. All of these took place during the Renaissance period.[2]

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Reformation - the period from about 1500 to about 1700 in Europe that involved the formation of Protestant churches and the struggle for religious freedom.

Is the high renaissance the same as the renaissance period?

High Renaissance is a period during Renaissance -it's the middle part, in about the 16th century.

Did Ivan the terrible live through the renaissance or the reformation time period?

no he lived through the save of absolutism

Which period of the renaissance occured during the reign of Charles 1?

The Elizabethan period of the Renaissance occured during the reign of Charles I.

What did they do during the Renaissance period?

The renaissance period was for "reconstruction." It was a period of advancement in art, architecture, science, and new inventions.