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The group of thinkers who questioned the existence of traditional Greek gods were known as the Sophists. They were known for their skepticism towards traditional beliefs and their emphasis on the power of human reason and logic. Sophists played a key role in the development of philosophy in ancient Greece.

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Q: What were a group of thinkers who questioned the existence of traditional greek gods?
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What ideas and attitudes renaissance thinkers stessed?

Renaissance thinkers stressed the importance of humanism, emphasizing the potential of individuals to achieve greatness through education, curiosity, and creativity. They also valued the revival of classical learning, promoting a rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman works. Additionally, Renaissance thinkers encouraged critical thinking, challenging traditional beliefs and promoting the idea of progress and innovation.

What is the etemology of philosophy?

The term "philosophy" comes from the Greek word "philosophia," which translates to "love of wisdom." It originated from ancient Greek thinkers who sought to understand the fundamental nature of existence, knowledge, and reality through rational inquiry and critical thinking.

What are two names of the Greek thinkers?

Two famous Greek thinkers are Socrates and Plato. Socrates was known for his questioning method, and Plato was his student who went on to establish the Academy and write numerous philosophical dialogues.

What culture did Renaissance thinkers look to for inspiration?

Renaissance thinkers looked to ancient Greek and Roman cultures for inspiration. They studied classical works of literature, art, and philosophy in order to revive the humanist ideals of individualism, rationality, and creativity. This cultural revival ultimately contributed to the intellectual and artistic flowering of the Renaissance period.

Which greek philospher was a sculpter and questioned the values in Athena?

The Greek philosopher who was a sculptor and questioned the values represented in Athena was Phidias. He was known for his monumental statue of Athena Parthenos which stood in the Parthenon in Athens, and his work raised questions about the idealized representations of deities and virtues.

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