

Best Answer
  1. Rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts led to a revival of classical knowledge and a shift towards Humanism.
  2. Advances in science and technology, such as the printing press and navigational tools, facilitated the spread of ideas and improved communication.
  3. Increased trade and economic growth stimulated cultural exchange and prosperity in cities.
  4. Patronage from wealthy families and rulers supported the flourishing of the arts and sciences, fostering creativity and innovation.
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Q: What were 4 factors that contributed to improving life during the Renaissance?
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What were some of the factors that contributed to improving life during the renaissance?

Some factors that contributed to improving life during the Renaissance include advancements in art, science, and learning, the rediscovery of classical texts, the development of printing, increased trade and commerce, and patronage of the arts by wealthy families and city-states. These factors led to a flourishing of culture and intellectual pursuits, as well as improvements in living standards for some segments of society.

What factors helped the spread of humanism during the Renaissance?

The revival of classical texts and learning, emphasis on individual potential, patronage of wealthy families, and the invention of the printing press all contributed to the spread of humanism during the Renaissance. These factors facilitated the dissemination of humanist ideas and allowed them to gain prominence across Europe.

Which answer choice correctly explains how long Galileo Galilee contributed to secularism during the renaissance?

Galileo Galilei contributed to secularism during the Renaissance through his support and advancement of heliocentrism, challenging the geocentric view held by the Catholic Church. He emphasized empirical evidence and scientific reasoning over religious dogma, paving the way for a more secular approach to understanding the natural world.

Did competition between city-states help bring about the renaissance?

Yes, competition between city-states in Italy during the Renaissance contributed to the flourishing of art, commerce, and ideas. Cities like Florence and Venice were competitive both economically and culturally, leading to a drive for artistic innovation and intellectual enlightenment. This dynamic environment fueled creativity and contributed to the Renaissance's cultural achievements.

Ask us anythingHow were the philosophies of individualism and secularism similar during the European Renaissance?

Both individualism and secularism during the European Renaissance emphasized the importance of human potential, reason, and empowerment. They both challenged the traditional authority of the church and stressed the importance of individual rights and freedoms. They contributed to a shift towards humanism and the exploration of new ideas and perspectives.

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What were some of the factors that contributed to improving life during the renaissance?

Some factors that contributed to improving life during the Renaissance include advancements in art, science, and learning, the rediscovery of classical texts, the development of printing, increased trade and commerce, and patronage of the arts by wealthy families and city-states. These factors led to a flourishing of culture and intellectual pursuits, as well as improvements in living standards for some segments of society.

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people that were traders

What factors helped the spread of humanism during the Renaissance?

The revival of classical texts and learning, emphasis on individual potential, patronage of wealthy families, and the invention of the printing press all contributed to the spread of humanism during the Renaissance. These factors facilitated the dissemination of humanist ideas and allowed them to gain prominence across Europe.

What contributed to the advancement of visual arts during the renaissance period?

Printing Press.

What role did Venice play in the Renaissance?

Venice main role during the Renaissance was trading with foreign countries and improving the knowledge of the citizens.

During the Renaissance which development contributed most to the Protestant Reformation?

questioning of traditional authority

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the support of wealthy investors (:

What contributed significantly to the development and spread of art during the Renaissance?

the support of wealthy investors

Patrons like the Medicis also contributed greatly to advancements in art during the Renaissance period What did they do to encourage Renaissance art?

They commissioned works by the artists.

What was the population of florence during the renaissance?

The population of Florence during the Renaissance was estimated to be around 60,000 to 70,000 people. This was relatively large for a European city at that time and contributed to its cultural and economic significance.

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The two factors that contributed to Egypt's wealth during the New Kingdom were conquest and trade.I believe two factores contributed to Egypts wealth during the New Kingdom were the conquest and trading.

What factors contributed to Egypt wealth during the kingdom?

Conquest and Trade.