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The Socratic method is a form of philosophical inquiry where a series of questions are asked to stimulate critical thinking and uncover underlying assumptions. It aims to encourage individuals to critically examine their beliefs and arrive at a deeper understanding of a topic through dialogue and questioning.

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Q: What was the Socratic method which was named after the great Greek philosopher Socrates?
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Socratic Method is named after this Greek philosopher?

The Socratic Method is named after the Greek philosopher Socrates, who used questioning and dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and uncover underlying assumptions.

The Socratic method is named after what Greek philosopher?

The Socratic method is named after the Greek philosopher Socrates. He used this method to engage in dialogue and stimulate critical thinking by asking probing questions to explore ideas and uncover underlying assumptions.

Who was the Greek philosopher who taught with questions not answers?

The great Greek philosopher, who taught by questions and not answers was the great Aristotle.

The Socratic method is named after this Greek philosopher?

The Socratic method is named after the Greek philosopher Socrates. He used a question-and-answer dialogue to stimulate critical thinking, challenge assumptions, and arrive at deeper insights. This method is often used in educational settings to foster discussion and promote learning.

Who started the socratic method?

The Socratic method is named after the Greek philosopher Socrates, who used it as a way of teaching and engaging in philosophical dialogue. Socrates' method involved questioning assumptions, seeking underlying principles, and encouraging critical thinking in his interlocutors.

Is the socratic method named after Socrates?

Yes this was named after the Greek Philosopher Socrates. The socratic debate is one opinion set against that of anothers opinion as to form a logical set of ideas to form an opinion of ones beliefs.

How different from Socrate and Socratic?

"Socrate" is the French version of the name "Socrates," the ancient Greek philosopher. "Socratic" is an adjective describing anything related to or characteristic of Socrates or his philosophical methods, such as the Socratic method of questioning and dialogue.

Which philosopher taught using a question to answer format?

Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher, is known for his teaching method of using questions to prompt critical thinking and arrive at a deeper understanding of concepts. This method is known as the Socratic method or Socratic questioning.

What philosipher taught his students by asking them questions?

The Greek philosopher that taught by asking questions is Socrates. He taught the Socratic Method.

Who is the greek philosopher and teacher who taught by asking questions?

Socrates is the Greek philosopher known for his method of teaching through questioning, a practice known as the Socratic method. He believed in engaging in thought-provoking dialogue to stimulate critical thinking and search for deeper truths.

What is the origin of the socratic method?

Socratic method is a form of debate originating from Greek philosopher Socrates. It's basic form consists of questions and logic tests to help engage users in critical thinking.

What greek philosopher examined the nature world of human belifes?

The Greek philosopher who examined the nature of human beliefs was Socrates. He is known for his method of questioning to help individuals clarify their beliefs and values, which became known as the Socratic method.